Just In
for Forget-Me-Not

10/29/2018 c1 WinxChanterelle
Just so you know, I think this story is really good!
10/28/2018 c1 Shadows
Hi there

i find this story very interesting, especially the part about all the hopeful alliances. I can see that coming in handy when the curse takes effect.

Please continue with the story, however in the following chapters perhaps try have longer and more detailed sentences. i suspect though that this was just for the first chapter.

All the best for your story, it shows great potential

Shadows in Shadows
10/28/2018 c1 Guest
Not to be rude, but it's so cliched and boring...
Nothing interesting is going on, so I don't really know why anyone should favorite/follow this story...
10/24/2018 c1 88LizzyLovesPink
It's an interesting start. I think you should continue it.

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