Just In
for Heir of Hyoudou

12/12/2024 c7 Hero100100
Hello anyone there I've been trying to reach you for a while and I haven't been able to
10/1/2024 c46 2merendinoemiliano
9/28/2024 c1 iamanidiotlol94
idk who u are but man,i really loved this
8/12/2024 c12 hayden515
and you made him this weak
8/12/2024 c12 hayden515
now your making him cry over it your ruining it
8/12/2024 c1 hayden515
you made issei get punished even though hes a king on his own pathetic
8/12/2024 c11 hayden515
you made hm such a bitch
8/12/2024 c11 hayden515
i thought issei was supposed to be strong i this fanfic but he sounds like a pussy
8/5/2024 c45 Raeving13
8/1/2024 c45 merendinoemiliano
Excellent descriptions and introspection
7/30/2024 c44 Raeving13
that was a good chapter, hope you will update soon
5/30/2024 c6 jackstreet755
Absolutely shit
5/1/2024 c44 Guest
Very cool chapter, Murayamas balance breaker was very nicely done
4/2/2024 c43 merendinoemiliano
Cute and fun chapter, cannot wait to see next fights
3/26/2024 c1 Gilgamesh50
The only question is: will he become a devil? Wip you follow the trope?
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