Just In
for Enigma

11/29/2023 c7 Killercandycane
Hope everything is good and still lurking around hoping for a update!
7/1/2022 c7 zizi08
I thoroughly enjoyed it and hope to see an update soon
12/30/2020 c7 17Estrella25
Yeahh another interesting story! Hope u update soon! ️
9/25/2020 c7 m1m1
More please?
1/21/2020 c7 8Blu3b3rryT3a
Can't wait to read the next chapter! I am confused though- at the end of chapter 2 did Kagome end up on Law's ship?
Her backstory should be fun to read too! I'm eager to see how you incorporate demons into the mix.
Best of luck!
1/1/2020 c7 Purplebutterfly
You know what? I think you should combine this to chapter six.
12/21/2019 c7 Guest
It maybe short, but I still love it.
12/13/2019 c7 Guest
Waiting for Kagome to wake up
12/13/2019 c7 CL
Love the great update XD
12/13/2019 c7 2chylou34
Yep waaaayyyyy too short ! Need the next chapter asap ! Pleaseeeeee
Thank you
11/28/2019 c6 ason21
Have a happy thanksgiving
10/31/2019 c6 Ason21
Happy Halloween everyone
10/29/2019 c6 Viper
Happy one year anniversary
10/17/2019 c6 Killercandycane
I shall wait patiently for the next chapter! :3
I really love one piece and having added kagome makes me more excited for this story~
10/17/2019 c6 Guest
That’s probably a wise decision to change the titles on the last three chapters.
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