Just In
for Harry Potter and The Land of Ice and Fire

9/6 c7 6Mando-Vet
Man, what a place to stop...
9/6 c3 Mando-Vet
You've created Vodka? Oh God, Harry what have you done...?
9/6 c1 Mando-Vet
That's a helluva first chapter!
9/6 c1 GOT Fanatic
That's only the first chapter? Dear god, I must read more!
8/21 c1 Jack T. Writer
Personally I don't like this Harry and Voldie are so similar trope... that and there was no evidence of Tom being abused, everything we know from his childhood points to him being the abuser.
The other reason why I don't like it, is the fact that they aren't really similar, besides of being orphans and halfbloods.
Harrys Parents loved each other as well as him. Not the case with Harry.
Voldies Mother gave him away, while Harrys mother offered her own life to protect Harry.
Harry ad accidentel magic that was more focused about protecting himself, while Voldies was not only directed at hurting others but also doesn't seem to be accidentle at all sometimes.
Harry embraced new people and tried to help people, Voldie...

Sorry, for the little rant, but it's one of the more annoying Fanfic Tropes.
8/2 c7 keotaka1
I hope you are doing well author
7/11 c7 Immaterium
I do hope that one day you will continue with this story, it has a lot of potential
7/9 c5 Immaterium
Interesting choice of names - I like it
7/7 c3 Immaterium
Skagos - interesting choice
7/7 c2 Immaterium
The adventure across the world - interesting and exciting
7/6 c1 Immaterium
Interesting start, I look forward for more
6/12 c7 Wrixel
Thank you, your story is very positive and I smiled most of the time spend reading it.
6/11 c3 Wrixel
I very much enjoyed these two chapters and like your style of only showing impotant and interesting stuff and telling the rest. Thank you for your work.
5/20 c7 2musme
I love it
Thanks !
5/10 c7 Guciec
Nice story. I would like to see it continued one day, one might only hope.
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