Just In
for Naruto The Transmigrant

8/22/2022 c1 MultiAlex
This is very similar to Ootsutsuki Legacy by ArthuriaPenDragon in AO3
10/23/2020 c3 Cyber-Kanochi
I personally would like it if Sasuke got Indra’s memories... and maybe eventually make up with his siblings
6/17/2020 c3 1ThatsMyWeeb
4/9/2020 c3 jezzocristian
molto bella storia e narutoxino e il migliore
3/10/2019 c3 Helily
Heheheheh. Okay, I like.

Can wait patiently. Maybe you will feel like writing more for this AsuraNaruto.

Hope you are well.
12/9/2018 c3 PraetorXyn
Interesting start here. IMO a Naruto this powerful just begs for a harem. Someone as powerful, confident, and charismatic as he is will draw women like vinegar draws flies. I will stick with it if it stays a single pairing, but I do feel it would be a waste.
11/30/2018 c3 ChunkyFunkyMunky
Why break up Ino-Shika-Cho? You really should have put a warning in your summary that you were going to pair Naruto with Ino.
11/26/2018 c3 Guest
If your merging indras chakra with asura then sasuke should only half awaked the memory, to fully awaken when absorbed by naruto so it'll explain why Indra becameas he is, meaning bei ng manipulated by zetsu since tthe beginning...
11/26/2018 c3 Lord of all evil
not gonna read immature punk ass world saving world hero naive garbage go cut your small as dick off shove it down your throat choke on that pathetic small as thing and die bitch bye.
11/26/2018 c3 Hidan Kaguya
And for the last review...


Naruto should learn an emergency shakujo, or monk staff, like the one Hagoromo uses, except only the Sun half, but not just any type of shakujo. It will have to be made of chakra metal, that Naruto will have forged to channel his chakra to the point where it can be used for ANY jutsu, as well as able to make him a facsimile of Truthseeker Orbs that, while not having the same powers as the true ones, can still be manipulated like the actual ones.
11/26/2018 c3 Hidan Kaguya
Third one, here we go...

Naruto should learn some method of using the Ranton Kekkei Genkai, Storm Release, but not as lasers. Every Naruto with Storm has always been lasers, PLEASE do something else. Just for SOME variety.
Lava Release...Well. He does have Asura's memories, so...Something like Son Goku, but...Minus the lava armor thing.
MAYBE Mud Release since he has Mokuton, which adds variety.
Boil Release. Mist variant with a VERY watered down version of Kokuo's Steam Armor.
Steel Release would be useless considering how Asura/Naruto would fight.
Explosion also wouldn't suit.
Scorch would fit their fighting style quite nicely.
And finally for the direct KG involved review, Crystal Release, which is the ACTUAL KG element combo of Wind/Earth, Earth and Lightning are Magnet. Crystal is a good idea for Naruto.

One more review to go-!
11/26/2018 c3 Hidan Kaguya
Ahem...Continuing on where I left off. Preferable Earth style Jutsu would actually be Rock Fist, Earth Spear which is the Kakuzu Jutsu that has him tank blows, and Rock Bullet to start things off.

For Water, Im thinking, Water Prison, Water Bullet, Water Bullet Barrage, Rising Water Slicers, and when he inevitably fights against Zabuza, Water Dragon Bullet Jutsu, my favorite Suiton ever, "Suiryudan no Jutsu"!

Wind brings to mind Danzo Shimura, which brings to mind a plot tool of Naruto discovering he was using Danzo's techniques, and halting his use of them from disgust, which I have NEVER seen once. Please use this.

Lightning...Yeah, except for Lightning Running Beast from Kakashi, I don't see Naruto learning Chidori, there's the Raigeki, and...that's it.

Fire, ehhh...You'll come up with something.

Two more reviews to go!
11/26/2018 c3 Hidan Kaguya
...I have to point out that you could have Naruto using a different type of "sand" with his magnet release. I'll be going over things as a metallurgist so, bear with me here...

Naruto wouldn't use Iron Sand for the simple fact the weight would not be his style, from what I've seen so far, which also rules out Gold Sand and the Shukaku sand as well. Furthermore, it technically rules out Bronze Sand, Lead Sand, and just about every other Metal Sand out there. Buuuuut...That means one must turn to non-metals for the sand he could use. Considering Asura, and Naruto, I'm betting on Gemstone Sand, specifically, either Diamond, Garnet, Saphire, or Topaz, or possibly all four. This is because A: Diamond would make up the hardest material, B: Garnet would be the closest to Kushina's hair, C: A reference to his and Minato's eyes, D: Topaz because it is a sun gold/orange crystal, as well as the Hiraishin color, and E, because that way, he would have references to basically everything that makes him, him.

Gonna end this one there and continue in the next review...CHAAAAIN REVIEEWWWWWS!
11/26/2018 c1 lightner2o13
Nice start, but please do not let this be dead story
11/26/2018 c3 KamiKageRyuuketsu
sasgay's pathetic gay bitch ass does not deserve shit so no that little faggot shouldnt get shit meaning he should not get indra's memories nor his power at all.
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