Just In
for The Right Path

12/15/2024 c3 FlawedBauthor
Retarded monkey fucking liar :)
12/15/2024 c1 FlawedBauthor
All these stories you're too retarded to finish, wowee.
10/22/2024 c3 Brian West
I can’t remember if I left a review for this story so here I go. I really love the relationship between Kurama and Naruto. I like the setup and that Kurama didn’t immediately like Naruto. Will Naruto get chakra chains too? He is Uzumaki after all. I am hoping that Naruto would get sealing abilities too. Now for girls. Anko Miterashi is the best girl for Naruto. Only Anko can understand the agony of continuing hatred being directed by a whole village for years through no fault of their own. Hinata is ok but she gets used so much. I am hoping for all four of the ice queens ( Anko, Yugao, Kureni, Hanna) to marry Naruto. So few stories have all four of the ice queens with him. If not then I please please bring Anko and Naruto together. Just NO Sakura!
10/9/2024 c3 SgtWoods1822
This fic is really good. I genuinely liked the way you portrait Tobirama's relationship with Naruto and the way Naruto and Kurama got closer.
8/20/2024 c3 Guest
Seriously good update but where is chapter 4
5/11/2024 c3 Brian West
Here are my thoughts. I do like Hinata and the personality she has but she has very little chemistry with Naruto. That is one reason why I dislike the pairing of Naruto with Hinata. They have so little in common. Yes I know Hinata has always followed and spied on Naruto and saw his hard work and determination and fell in love with Naruto. This is much better than Sakura who fell for Sasuke only on his looks and clan name. This is why I believe that Anko is the best girl for Naruto. I already gave my thoughts about that so I won’t repeat myself here. I fell Hinata gets overused in stories for romance and it gets stale. If you want Hinata fine but you please give Anko to Naruto first. Please NO Sakura! Also please DO NOT bring in characters from other stories like Bleach or One Piece. I know some people do that but don’t say anything about that. Then I start reading the story expecting Naruto and all of a sudden these characters come in and I am wondering “ who are these people?” In short it’s a jarring shift that yanks me out of the story. If you ever do that then please put a warning in the beginning so people like me who want a Naruto world only story can see it and move on. So from this story so far I am expect Naruto to be Jonin level. I like the direction of Naruto so far. Ino is meh. Some people can write a good Ino and others make her annoying. Please really love the relationship with Kurama and Naruto. Please keep that up. I am surprised that Inoichi is hates Naruto. That would be one character who would be aware of Minato and Naruto and that Naruto is not a demon. That is one thing about fanfics that some people get so twisted until they are not recognized by what they were. It’s so jarring for instance when I read a Naruto story and suddenly Kakashi wants to kill Naruto Ethan yanks me out of the story. It’s one thing going into a story where the characters are inverted and it’s expected but not out of the blue where characters are expected to be close to canon. I am excited to see what Assuma will do. He is a great character but was killed before we saw what he could do. When will Naruto get the Uzumaki chakra chains? You did promise that Naruto would inherit both clans powers. Please please remember to give Anko to Naruto.
5/11/2024 c2 Brian West
Well I am glad that you have changed some things. It makes sense that Naruto would be somewhat cold due to finding out what secrets have been kept from him and having a capable teacher. Naruto is most likely a jonin in terms of power and skill. I am looking forward to seeing Asuma leading Naruto and his team. This has great potential. Please please bring Anko and Naruto together please.
5/11/2024 c1 Brian West
I can’t remember if I read this story or not but I have to say that I am loving it. I really hope that Naruto will get both Senju and Uzumaki powers. I mean serious powers like Wood Style and chakra chains and sensing abilities. You mentioned a harem at the beginning and asked for suggestions. Here is mine, Anko Miterashi. Please hear me out . Both Anko and Naruto are outcasts, hated by Konoha for reasons beyond their control. Anko is hated by Konoha for being the student of Orochimaru, the biggest traitor of Konoha even though Anko herself is loyal. As for Naruto, we already know about how and why Konoha hates him. No other girl can connect to Naruto like Anko. On a similar note, no other guy can connect to Anko like Naruto can. Both hide what they are behind a mask. Both are passionate and impulsive and fun loving people. Both are named after food. Considering that both are ninja and death can come anytime, the age gap is not a problem. To ninjas, age is just a number.
1/23/2024 c1 Guest
Typical typical typical
1/7/2024 c2 OkBoomer147
It was surprisingly good tbh!
1/6/2024 c1 Brian
I like this story but I have to say that it’s bogus that Naruto would know water walking already. How did he know that without tree walking? How did Naruto learn these skills with no teacher? Please consider Anko Miterashi as Naruto girl. Thanks.
1/1/2024 c3 Brian
Well this has been good and bad. I am upset that Inoichi would be unable to understand Naruto and his situation. The guy is smart enough to be jonin and works for Konoha TNI division. Many other stories acknowledge that the major ninja clans are smart enough to know that Naruto is not Kurama. I am hoping this gets solved. I do love Kurama. I enjoy the dialogue between Naruto and Kurama. I agree there is too little chemistry between Hinata and Naruto for any romance. This is why I keep insisting on Anko be the love interest. Only Anko can relate to the pain of being the outcast for years like Naruto. Neither asked to be in the circumstances that they are in. Both have similar personalities.
1/1/2024 c2 Brian
So far I am hooked on this story. It’s nice having a Naruto be somewhat true to canon with his dream of being Hokage but also nice that he is more grounded and serious. I do enjoy the shakeups when they are done right. And reading another story of team seven butting heads with each other does become a little stale. At least Ino and Hinata will be much better teammates than the emo overlord. Please remember Anko x Naruto. Thanks for the great chapter.
1/1/2024 c1 Brian
I love stories like this. Consider that Naruto in canon was able to pull off some smart ideas says that he can be capable if someone actually trained him. I hope that he will get Uzumaki powers as well like chakra chains and the sensing ability. Please please consider Anko being a lover for Naruto. Being the student of the worst traitor Orochimaru,Anko is hated by Konoha even though she is loyal to Konoha. Only Anko can relate to Naruto because Naruto also is hated by Konoha for having Kurama live inside of him. Both can relate to each other in a way that no one else can. Also both are passionate and impulsive and fun loving people. Both are named after food. They have so much in common. Please don’t change the age difference between Anko and Naruto. That is one of the reasons why the relationship will work. Remember that canon Naruto was written in Japan where the age of consent is 13. In Konoha you are considered an adult when you graduate and get the headband. In the ninja world where death can come on any mission,age is just a number. So please please consider Anko x Naruto. I do like Samoi and happy that you will use her. Absolutely NO love for Sakura! Pakura from Sand is someone who never gets used. Think about ok? Mei from Mist is also a great girl to consider. Please keep the good work.
12/21/2023 c2 CarpeAMagicCarp
It's a pity you stopped updating. This was the first fanfic I ever read back in 2020. I comeback routinely simply to replicate the comfort I felt coming across it the first time. Still appreciate you bringing your art to life.
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