Just In
for The Right Path

3/10/2019 c3 Helily
I am glad I found this fic today. Your writing appeals to me and even though I have no great love for your choices of girls for Naruto or the harem idea in general, I can tell you will do a good job and so none of that will matter. I will like this story regardless. Super happy to have found you. Also, your profile page was an enjoyable read, especially concerning characters you like and dislike. Thank you for sharing _

By the way, you have excellent chapter lengths. Thank you for that.

(Looking forward to seeing Sasuke next chapter. I have an irrational love for Uchiha. Pretty happy you have a sensible outlook on them despite not liking them the best like some people. Cough heh. It’s not something I can help...)

Loving the friendship between Naruto and Kurama. In fact, let’s just get it out now: I love everything about this story. Thank you very much and best wishes writing for all of your stories but especially this one since I am biased.
3/10/2019 c1 7Reichenfaust

At first I was mad to see this, and know you haven't updated White, Melkor... But, after reading your author's note, I was enticed with your idea and applying it to Naruto.

So, I think this is going to be damn good, and I am most certainly looking forward to more.
3/7/2019 c3 017
I kind of sense break of flow in here, considering the theme from first two chapters.
3/6/2019 c3 Amargi'sNodachi
Broody Naruto... Well that’s weird and different.

At least he isn’t all I hate the world. Also, Inochi’s irrational hatred of him is strange, I hope you flush this out. It doesn’t make rational sense for a man who logically speaking should be psychologically inclined to harbor such intense dislike for Naruto without a deeper personal root.
2/24/2019 c2 6ZRAIARZ
This is pretty nice. Would be cool if he does some improvising with his techniques like Hashirama, Boruto, and a number of others have done and Naruto canonically does later on. Like making a staff of wood and forming edges and blades on it with kurama's chakra or firing his chakra from the staff. Put hiraishin on that staff. You've given him a lot of basic abilities. Now the goal won't be to give him more but to see how far he can go with what he has
2/22/2019 c3 Just a Guest
I'm sorry that I don't have much to say that would be considered constructive, but I wanted to say how much I enjoy this story. It's actually the first Naruto fic I've read. I read your Bleach for recently and decided to give this story a shot, as well. Thanks for writing, and I can't wait to read the next chapters of both fics.
2/21/2019 c3 yoto
bon chapitre
2/19/2019 c3 Lesion
Really love this story so far. I hope you don’t add Hinata as well because I also find canon pairings boring and shit and yeah I don’t really see the chemistry between them and I feel like Kishimoto didn’t really know what to do with an older Naruto so he just paired them up together. The only problem that I kind of had was the whole Kurama pretty much instantly being Naruto’s friend but oh well. I hope you just stick to the harem you had with Samui, Haku and Fu. I’ve always found that that harems with too many girls are much more unrealistic and that most authors can’t pull it off. Not saying that I don’t think you can’t do it but it’s just something to take note of. The team placement is interesting, I don’t think I have ever read a story with Asuma, Ino, Hinata and Naruto as a team before. I get that Naruto is pissed that Hiruzen still won’t tell him who his parents are but you think with this Naruto who seems a lot smarter than canon would realize that his parents have enemies and they wouldn’t mind trying to kill him to get revenge but it’s whatever. Looking forward to the next chapter.
2/16/2019 c3 Guest
Great story so far and I can't wait for the next chapter! Also a suggestion on how pjo and giants could figure out about Miranda is the follow naruto one day and they overheat some of the villagers talking about it. Just a suggestion tho, keep up the great work!
2/15/2019 c3 Imagination 3101
Great story. Naruto seems to be anti social but very smart. Let's see how he's going to interact with other people. Looking forward to see more updates.
2/13/2019 c3 fenix880
realy nice change of pace this fic, i hope to see it updated regularly. personaly id like if you manged to get ino into the harem otherwise this is perfect as is
2/12/2019 c3 Lifelessman
I'm crying Bro, now why ?! Just tell me why the best Fanfics are always incomplete or have a few chapters, maybe it's something psychological?
Leaving the drama aside I just want to say that I loved all the few chapters of this fanfic.
Sorry for my awful grammar...
Good Work...! 3
2/12/2019 c2 Lifelessman
Good Work...! 2
2/12/2019 c1 Lifelessman
Good Work...! 1
2/8/2019 c3 13Mokushiroku115
Good job.
Small request.
Please update on the white story please.
It’s been a few months since the last one and I’m dying to see another chapter!
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