Just In
for The Right Path

3/26/2022 c3 2darkphantomkid
Will u continue the story or have u hit a wall (writers block). Anyways your story and plot is very interesting and I like it alot. I hope u continue, I can't wait to see what happens next.
3/19/2022 c3 Hyperman15
I found a gem
3/19/2022 c3 Hyperman15
Damn Naruto’s hope stats really went from 100 to 0
3/2/2022 c3 Guest
please make more it’s fairly thought out great and somewhat makes a new fresh feeling and cool
2/26/2022 c1 skinnydurpdurp
Lmaoo of course Tobirama reacted to the Uchiha part.
2/15/2022 c3 OnesAmvYT
Sir please release the next episode
We are eagerly waiting for it.
2/13/2022 c3 1UraChan47
I Wish this continued but everyone ha their own life to live.
2/12/2022 c1 Soccerboicolby
Maybe someone can take up the fic
2/12/2022 c3 Jusaf10
When is the next chapter
2/12/2022 c3 ARU72
When will the next chapter come
2/11/2022 c3 Guest
1/14/2022 c1 8Inv0ke
The idea that Naruto and Hisirama share the same type of Chakra is a good idea, after all, they are both the reincarnations of Ashura so it makes sense to have stuff in common.
9/23/2021 c3 Marcefriasu
This is a masterpiece. I really hope you'll update someday. Sadly is abandoned
9/15/2021 c1 2greenarrow679
praying that when you comeback you take this back up too
8/4/2021 c3 Jon1234
Great setup
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