Just In
for The Right Path

12/27/2020 c1 claymoredj
Been looking for this for a while glad to find it again same to see there's not more of it I hope this isn't dead it's a great story looking forward to seeing more
11/25/2020 c3 worldmakesnosense
Ummmmm... is this getting updated anytime soon?
11/12/2020 c3 SWAG95059
good story
9/23/2020 c3 31529
Your stories have great concepts, but each one I’ve read starts failing in the same way... the protagonist seems to always be a Sasuke clone... everything is about power, no one is worth their time...

In this, Naruto isn’t worthy of being the Hokage, not because of skill or anything else, but because he has absolutely no empathy or kindness... he’d fit in great under Orochimaru or Danzo, maybe in Mist under Yagura.

Honestly, your writing is quite good, but the protagonists are near sociopaths with few to no redeeming qualities(for example, in another story, Riser Phenex has more good qualities and actually cares about people more than your protagonist...)
9/21/2020 c3 aeonstorm
Really enjoy this fanfic can’t wait for the next update
9/13/2020 c3 xien4
The story was going so well, it was really disappointing when I finished chapter 3 and there was no next button... Please more updates
9/12/2020 c1 A Adewoyin
Wow very good.
8/11/2020 c3 Borello
the story is great and i hoped to read more chapter.
8/4/2020 c2 15DarthGhengis
I'm saving a full review for when I finish the last chapter, but I personally do like the different teams. I've always found it surprising that there aren't more fics with Asuma being his Jonin sensei considering the whole wind-element and both being the son of a Kage thing - felt like a missed oppurtunity to be honest.
8/2/2020 c3 CandyMaster
very good story as for hinata can you make her into the harem
7/8/2020 c3 Hiddennamehere
I got recommended this story - definitely a good read, just bummed it's only 3 chapters. It's excellently set up to go far.
7/8/2020 c3 Daemon Anax
Damn only 3 chapters ... goddammit , I want to read more but There isnt any .
7/4/2020 c1 Guest
Although this fic will probably be ignored and won’t see completion but damn dude your one of the best writers I’ve seen
6/20/2020 c3 24Serendipitous House Pet
Your writing is literally my inspiration. You always make your protagonists believably badass, not too much as to make me groan or lose the tension, and you make things so fun to read. It's incredible. I'm eager for more.

Honestly, don't force yourself to write Hinata into the harem if you don't want to. People get touchy about her no matter what, like she just belongs to Naruto.
6/16/2020 c3 1KINGShaheed
Awesome fic, here's to hoping for an update!
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