Just In
for Beyond Perversion:A Dragon's Lust

11/26/2024 c18 9K. M. Donovan
i have a single suggestion for a posthumous edit, add a warning before and after any femdom/pegging scenes. not everyone is a fan of that kind of content, and encountering it unexpectedly with zero warning? is a good way to alienate your fanbase.

so if you wish to add/explore that kind of content? that is fine. but make sure to add warnings so that readers who have no desire to read such content can skip it with ease.

otherwise you could lose a large chunk of your reader base by accident.

just some food for thought.
9/13/2024 c11 Guest
It's really good but the way you handle character Interactions is horrid, I can't read it anymore it's just bad nobody has a set personality nobody acts in any other way than plot advancement these aren't characters they are soulless plot advancement golems. Everything else is fine you should add more detail about the surroundings but it's really these 1 dimensional characters with no personality that's the problem.
3/27/2024 c12 3Yuzuki476
Love it.
3/27/2024 c11 Yuzuki476
Love it.
3/27/2024 c10 Yuzuki476
Issei got a lot of girls in his harem and how come both Sirzechs and azazel and even kiba don't have their own harem?.
3/27/2024 c9 Yuzuki476
Excellent job with this chapter.
3/27/2024 c8 Yuzuki476
Congratulations Issei and everyone fights.
3/27/2024 c7 Yuzuki476
3/27/2024 c6 Yuzuki476
Holy damn poor Issei he went through a lot.
3/27/2024 c5 Yuzuki476
What's Demidrake and who is Lilly? And Rhodos?.
3/27/2024 c4 Yuzuki476
Poor Issei and Rias out of line smacking him like that.
3/27/2024 c3 Yuzuki476
Good job with this chapter and I hope that issei will find Asia soon.
3/27/2024 c2 Yuzuki476
Well done with this chapter and am curious about issei 's mother?.
3/27/2024 c1 Yuzuki476
Thank you for making this a high school dxd story.
10/22/2023 c2 handwran
this is impossible to read with all the grammar and sentence mistakes
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