Just In
for Captain Wentworth's Christmas Carol

1/14/2019 c5 sunshine.katz
My favourite so far (and I've loved the rest!).
12/30/2018 c5 DimmDimms
Thank you for this sweet story. Love Persuasion stories!
12/26/2018 c5 5Dameintoyland
Absolutely wonderful story. I loved the tie in with Mansfield Park in one of the earlier chapters. Persuasion is hands down my favorite Jane Austen story.
12/25/2018 c5 6andhereweare
Wonderful! I may have gotten weepy once or twice. Thanks for posting this!
12/22/2018 c5 honey4020
Oh. I enjoyed this so much. I love Persuasion stories, especially when they are told from Frederick's POV. I hope you are planning to write more. You write so well and I have enjoyed everything you have posted on Persuasion. Please, please, please keep us Persuasion junkies happy with lots more!
12/16/2018 c5 K
This was such a lovely read! Thank you!
12/15/2018 c5 caribena.versicolor
Very well done. This sweet tale filled me with happiness. thank you
12/14/2018 c5 luvjane
Omg, love this story!
12/13/2018 c5 liysyl
Awesome story with a nice twist. Thanks for sharing your story and I am looking forward to future ones.
12/12/2018 c4 QOP
Is that Kitty Bennet? It wouldn't surprise me
12/12/2018 c5 mela16
Wonderful ending!

My only criticism would be that I wish it were longer.
12/12/2018 c5 wistful reader
Oh no! This can't be it! This was my Persuasion fix! I love your stories and I hope your able to write more... Soon. :)
12/12/2018 c5 LovePersuasion
Thank you for this clever mash up of Persuasion and Christmas Carol. I enjoyed it very much. Love your creativity and talent. Hugs.
12/10/2018 c4 3MsFall85
This is a great story! I love it!
12/10/2018 c1 Ns2121
Thanks for your story. I’m enjoying it very much! I love reading stories on Persuasion and yours are always so good. So well written. Love the pace of chapters one and two. Looking forward to more. Thank you!
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