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for Captain Wentworth's Christmas Carol

12/10/2018 c4 liysyl
Thanks for sharing your twist on this story.
12/10/2018 c4 mela16
The future full of regrets was so terribly sad, can't wait for the next chapter.
12/10/2018 c4 Guest
This is absolutely fantastic and it keeps getting better. I love the scene with Anne and the children plus the plum pudding. I hope this doesn't end soon. I love to see so much more. Can't wait for another chapter. Thanks
12/8/2018 c3 ladymurasaki26
I had never thought about the parallels between Mansfield Park and Persuasion. You have once again opened my eyes to how much there is to those stories and Jane Austen's writing. I am truly enjoying your story. Looking forward for more!
12/7/2018 c3 Sam
You are killing it with this story! I am so happy I stumbled across it. Your stories are always so imaginative and I get so much joy reading them. Thank you for sharing them. I love seeing Anne a little more head strong and lady Russell a little guilty for what she’s done. Cannot wait to read more of it.
12/7/2018 c3 honey4020
This is brilliant! What a way to weave two stories! I'm impressed and excited to read more.
12/7/2018 c3 liysyl
Awesome story so far thanks for sharing.
12/7/2018 c3 JIM DOHERTY
Chapter 3 is excellent.

I've always wondered why more people don't see the parallel between Lt. and Mrs. Price, and Anne's reasonable caution.

12/7/2018 c3 mela16
Can't wait for more!
12/6/2018 c1 13Boxhillboo00
As always, brilliant! :)
12/5/2018 c2 mela16
Great chapter!
12/5/2018 c2 Kloot
Really enjoying reading how you’ve merged these two classics together. Looking forward to Christmas Present.
12/4/2018 c1 Guest
Great story linr , kudos.
12/4/2018 c1 honey4020
Wonderful! I love Persuasion stories! Can’t wait for more. Very clever to combine these two. Excitedly waiting for updates.
12/3/2018 c1 KBsMomma
Ooooh! I like it! How fun!
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