Just In
for A Child is Born

8/11/2019 c1 12emeraldphan
This was a lovely story with a happy ending. The baby's appearance wouldn't have mattered to Christine and I'm sure Erik would have accepted her too. But I'm glad there were no complications, just two people becoming parents and having lots of support and friendship around them.
12/30/2018 c1 27jennyfair
I'm so glad the timing worked out for you to write this lovely holiday story! I particularly love the ending, with Erik's doubts and Christine's reassurances that the child is beautiful, no matter what.
12/16/2018 c1 4The English Phantom
THis is lovely and like both your other stories, it pulls you in for the journey. I hope you do turn this into a multichapter.
12/11/2018 c1 39Riene
Christmas babies are special ones! Nicely domestic scenes there at the beginning, the food and decorations, the friends over. I can see Erik flatly refusing to leave, from a combination of scientific curiosity and from a fierce protectiveness. Glad it is a girl! His "that is a solid G" made me smile. :)
12/7/2018 c1 27CharlieBoneFan
Good job.
12/7/2018 c1 12You Are Love
Now I know Christine is having a girl! Perfect choice.
12/7/2018 c1 tasteofthebitchpudding
The stars & fates wanted a St Nicholas baby, and so it must be so!

This was very sweet, I laughed out loud at "perhaps someday I'll learn what the water is for" bit. I can only imagine how doted upon a little girl will be in that home!
12/7/2018 c1 12ghostwritten2
This is so sweet! I love your Erik and Christine, and I love that their baby is born on the Feast of St. Nicholas. Also love that Christine was right about having a daughter.
12/7/2018 c1 31Not A Ghost3
Oh- this was so sweet! I'm loving all the Christmas baby stories!
12/6/2018 c1 14PagesofAngels
Aw, what a wonderful holiday one-shot. I am so in love with family AUs of Phantom characters!

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