Just In
for The Gamekeeper

2/10/2024 c1 13Unseen Watcher
I'm glad Hagrid got to meet him. Thanks!
11/12/2019 c1 Fallow56
xxxxxkudos xxxxx : )
12/13/2018 c1 Gwigrid
Just wanted to say that I had a marvelous time reading this, and I'm glad you had fun writing it. I don't want to assume, so I'll ask if this is your take on the Giant Squid at Hogwarts? If it is, I'm very glad I found this; it's a very different (but welcome) backstory to the creature than I imagined. Very well done! (And I loved the interaction between Newt and Hagrid - very heartwarming) I must confess that this is the first of your pieces I have read, but I can't wait to read them. Keep up the good work!
- Gwigrid
12/8/2018 c1 2librarywitch
I love it.

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