Just In
for Bat's Blood

12/11/2018 c2 K
Poor Damian he's in so much pain, but I can't wait till the next update.
12/11/2018 c2 wolfimus prime
Yasssss you updated! This chapter seemed all right.. A little rushed at some parts but am still looking forwords to this story also I would rather have longer chapters and longer wrists then rushed short chapters.
12/9/2018 c1 K
Awesome story so far, can't wait to see what happens next.
12/9/2018 c1 wolfimus prime
Me this is amzing! I love how he can't talk to the bats! Also u have great pacing for this story so far. Tho the fire
Glitte bit seemed a little rushed but others then that it seems great and I cant wait! Be strong are little bat!
12/9/2018 c1 Zatannagurl
Please please continue. This is so good, I'm dying for more!
Keep it up! Your fans are loving it!
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