Just In
for I Just Want To Travel The World

11/26 c143 i.amdizzy2
An Ancient Ally.
11/26 c143 i.amdizzy2
This is a great first ghost to add to her team. Basically just gave her a super suit . I approve.
11/26 c142 i.amdizzy2
“She’s so young right now.” What do these guys knoqlw , that we don’t?
11/26 c142 i.amdizzy2
Call this The Death March.
11/26 c141 i.amdizzy2
Hoenn gone fight everytime! Every trainer!
11/26 c141 i.amdizzy2
I love how you write her and her ghosts. Especially the ghosts on her main team.
11/26 c140 i.amdizzy2
The Banished Ruler? The Great Winged One .
11/26 c138 i.amdizzy2
Do yo dance Joy .
11/26 c138 i.amdizzy2
If she some how get’s a Hisuian Zoroark…sheesh.
11/26 c137 i.amdizzy2
Old Griff is a fearsome foe indeed.
11/26 c136 i.amdizzy2
Where are the challengers! Don’t leave Velda waiting , bums .
11/26 c136 i.amdizzy2
Great Class? What in the everlasting fuck. We have faced Master Class threats and survived !
11/26 c135 i.amdizzy2
Motherfcker just chokeslammed you…don’t be fckin impressed!
11/25 c135 i.amdizzy2
What a fight .
11/25 c133 i.amdizzy2
Sparkles is OP asf.
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