Just In
for High School

8/12/2004 c6 8TyKa-Forever
This is really good, its really really good. ^^

Good luck wiv the nxt chapter. ^_^

8/2/2004 c6 Star
Hi! You know, in our language 'Tala' means 'star'.. Anyway, keep up the good work!
7/26/2004 c6 Black-Luna
hey great story. keep it up. update next chapter soon.
7/23/2004 c6 Salazar Slytherin3
COL! Tyson is SO KAWAI! Cutie, cutie, cutie... Please write the next one soon! They're awesome!
6/24/2004 c6 RuLezOfKilliNg
-looks at last update- Eh, late for a review, but...Update soon for humanity sakes. I. Must. Know. What. Happens. Next. Ahem...Good luck with the next update and make it soon.

6/14/2004 c6 2Clear Tears
Great Story. Tyson is the little luv bug of the story, hun? I might not like Tyson, but this story is great! *winks and gives peace sign* i'm out! see ya and keep up the good work!
6/2/2004 c6 maxie's cute
great fic i love ty/ka but i also love ta/ty this is so confusing grat fic though
5/29/2004 c6 maxie's cute
please update good story what am i saying great story
5/8/2004 c6 7The Dark Abyss
Please update! It's been so long! I will die if I don't have any more to read of this! Onegai! Have mercy! ^_^
3/6/2004 c6 Adarme
Hey! You haven't updated any of your fanfics here!Most of all, you haven't finished writing your fics!... Anyway, please write some exciting part here... I'm bored with your fics.
P.S. Please finish your Sherlock Holmes before school endsor just post it here, ok?
1/25/2004 c6 19Yukiko-Angel
Poor Kai ... nah :P It's his falut after all. If he had told his feeling for Tyson earlier nothing of it would have appens. Innocent Tyson is so sexy *drool* but with Tala, Kai and Rei this will be interesting *eye glooming* got to read next
1/8/2004 c5 27Lrigelbbub
whoops! just realised that i had already reviewed chapter 6 - don't mind me^^ it's too hot - my brain has fried - LOL
Weird that it let me review twice on one chapter when i reviewed after that last time you updated @_@ Well that's enough rambling on my part - i'll just go^^
be safe
1/8/2004 c6 Lrigelbbub
Sorry that i haven't reviewed in such a long time^^;; my bad! Anyways - i like this and i hope that you write some more soon^^
be safe
11/21/2003 c6 Titanicbabe
please update soon, and please please please make it a TyTala fic.
11/1/2003 c6 70Timmesque
ME: Is the Tyka coming anytime soon?

CS: Not untill after Kai and Rei wake up.

Kai and Rei are on the ground.

ME: When did they faint?

CS: When they found out Tala was living with Tyson

ME: Oh ^_^

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