6/28/2024 c15 Xemenon
I don't usually like not read gender-bender stuff. But I'm glad that I gave your story a chance. It was simply beautiful. Could've done with a war, but we've tons of it, don't we?
I don't usually like not read gender-bender stuff. But I'm glad that I gave your story a chance. It was simply beautiful. Could've done with a war, but we've tons of it, don't we?
4/26/2024 c16
No lie, I’m kind of annoyed people bashed you verbally (hopefully there was no physical bashing) for Jaime/lyanna, as they have been one of my most favorite rare pairings
Whatever you decide on I’m thankful I got to read this fic

No lie, I’m kind of annoyed people bashed you verbally (hopefully there was no physical bashing) for Jaime/lyanna, as they have been one of my most favorite rare pairings
Whatever you decide on I’m thankful I got to read this fic
2/19/2024 c15 cameron1812
This is a fabulous story, and it made my day when i needed a liftThank you!
This is a fabulous story, and it made my day when i needed a liftThank you!
1/24/2024 c15 Anonymous
Another twist! Well written and well executed. Who is influencing Robert? My guess is Hoster.
Another twist! Well written and well executed. Who is influencing Robert? My guess is Hoster.
1/24/2024 c14 Anonymous
Sorry to read about your father. That you've been able to write at all, much less write as well as you did is incredible. Looking forward to see how you wrap it up.
Sorry to read about your father. That you've been able to write at all, much less write as well as you did is incredible. Looking forward to see how you wrap it up.
1/24/2024 c13 Anonymous
Boy, this took a turn. I am curious how they will get justice for the attempted assassination.
Boy, this took a turn. I am curious how they will get justice for the attempted assassination.
1/24/2024 c12 Anonymous
This is one of your better chapters so kudos to you for writing it despite your pain. Hope that you're condition improves!
This is one of your better chapters so kudos to you for writing it despite your pain. Hope that you're condition improves!
1/23/2024 c11 Anonymous
Sorry that you're experiencing so much pain. Hope your providing is good and that modern medicine provides you some relief. You've done a great job with this story (especially in light of your various illnesses) and moving it along. However, sometimes it does feel like you move to fast.
Sorry that you're experiencing so much pain. Hope your providing is good and that modern medicine provides you some relief. You've done a great job with this story (especially in light of your various illnesses) and moving it along. However, sometimes it does feel like you move to fast.
1/23/2024 c10 Anonymous
Good story and you have a brisk pace which matches your succinct writing style.
Good story and you have a brisk pace which matches your succinct writing style.