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for Is it wrong To be A Courier From The Wastes?

12/14/2024 c6 Guest
The story is great. Bummer it has a few innit.
12/12/2024 c6 Adryn Nighthunter
Ocome back make mor pls
3/9/2023 c1 hyperiumon
man this is some really good writing and the story is the bomb, would be nifty if he did some dungeon stuff next chapter or soon
4/30/2022 c1 YourDailyEditor
Why? Why does it have to die!? I'm gonna go cry in a corner
3/15/2022 c6 3JemeryT
hope you can return
3/15/2022 c4 JemeryT
lol, he didn't even try to go stealthy. not sure why he's annoyed
3/15/2022 c2 JemeryT
hope you continue
12/21/2021 c6 Guest
Hey are you still making this if so Keep part the great work
9/16/2021 c6 21CE HE4D
I swear to Graham. If you don't update this fanfic, I will find you and blow you up to kingdom come with a Fatman
7/26/2021 c1 1nantono
Good introduction, poor six!
3/17/2021 c6 1Command8
fucker, update the story! its too good to not be updated, why are you blue-balling me over here? such a tease~
7/21/2020 c6 Sporaticeffort
Dang, wasn’t expecting to like the story as much as I do... there’s not many good fallout fics, and I hope it gets updated. Keep up the good work and I hope I can read more
3/6/2020 c6 DOOT76
Why hasn’t this been updated yet? Six is finally going to let loose on the monsters!
10/7/2019 c6 IROCK108
Very noice.
10/3/2019 c6 1Vilostrike218
This story is so good, really excited to read the next chapter. Can I have an estimated wait time, if that is possible?
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