9/29/2024 c1 lfs
loved it, it fits flawlessly! please write more!
loved it, it fits flawlessly! please write more!
4/1/2020 c1
Thank you very much for this. I have always wanted somebody notice this story from the Cursed Child (I would venture to say that it is only good thing about CC, but that would be too much, I guess).

Thank you very much for this. I have always wanted somebody notice this story from the Cursed Child (I would venture to say that it is only good thing about CC, but that would be too much, I guess).
2/2/2020 c1
47Fires of Eden Red Rose Aurora
I don't know what's wrong, because I personally can't see anything wrong! It's awesome, and I like it how your covering what Ginny might have felt after the Chamber.
I don't think I could have coped as well as she is, but then who knows? Good work

I don't know what's wrong, because I personally can't see anything wrong! It's awesome, and I like it how your covering what Ginny might have felt after the Chamber.
I don't think I could have coped as well as she is, but then who knows? Good work
1/16/2019 c1
This is fantastic!
I loved Ginny and this was the Ginny Wesley I wished was more in the original books. Also, I love the camaraderie that she shares with Harry; you can sort of see why they get together in the end.
I thought Harry was a tad too open, that he might've been slightly awkward but that might just be me.
Great work!

This is fantastic!
I loved Ginny and this was the Ginny Wesley I wished was more in the original books. Also, I love the camaraderie that she shares with Harry; you can sort of see why they get together in the end.
I thought Harry was a tad too open, that he might've been slightly awkward but that might just be me.
Great work!
1/13/2019 c1
Oh, I love it! It's really realistic how everyone avoided her because of what happened, and the way Harry understands a little, and comforts her because of that is really sweet. Brilliant writing!

Oh, I love it! It's really realistic how everyone avoided her because of what happened, and the way Harry understands a little, and comforts her because of that is really sweet. Brilliant writing!
1/5/2019 c1
I like your characterization of Ginny in this one-shot. I think many writers when attempting to write the character often have her later characterization in mind, but you have very-clearly represented the mind of an eleven-year-old and depicted an appropriate amount of trauma that would have come with the events she suffered through.
I also liked that you chose to depict this particular scene from the Cursed Child. One of my favorite parts of the script was how it developed Hinny's relationship as adults who were married with children, and made them so much more real than they seemed sometimes in the original books. You definitely brought that to this story, and made sure to first develop their friendship.
This is an excellent piece and is definitely my headcanon for how the unwritten scene went down.

I like your characterization of Ginny in this one-shot. I think many writers when attempting to write the character often have her later characterization in mind, but you have very-clearly represented the mind of an eleven-year-old and depicted an appropriate amount of trauma that would have come with the events she suffered through.
I also liked that you chose to depict this particular scene from the Cursed Child. One of my favorite parts of the script was how it developed Hinny's relationship as adults who were married with children, and made them so much more real than they seemed sometimes in the original books. You definitely brought that to this story, and made sure to first develop their friendship.
This is an excellent piece and is definitely my headcanon for how the unwritten scene went down.
1/1/2019 c1
Wow,this is good:)
I like how they're honest with each other and the fic is lighthearted yet meaningful.
Great job.

Wow,this is good:)
I like how they're honest with each other and the fic is lighthearted yet meaningful.
Great job.
12/26/2018 c1
25Lillian Smith
This is amazing! I read the summary and was really glad that it was a simple one shot and not something long, dreary and angsty.
I really like how Harry turned out to not pity her and stuff and he was so humble and modest like he truly is! And I love how you showed so many of Ginny's thoughts like that - something that was not explored in the books.
This is so well done and they're both just in character, which makes everything so much better. I kinda like the fact that Harry blushed. It was cute.
This story definitely in my favourite list!

This is amazing! I read the summary and was really glad that it was a simple one shot and not something long, dreary and angsty.
I really like how Harry turned out to not pity her and stuff and he was so humble and modest like he truly is! And I love how you showed so many of Ginny's thoughts like that - something that was not explored in the books.
This is so well done and they're both just in character, which makes everything so much better. I kinda like the fact that Harry blushed. It was cute.
This story definitely in my favourite list!
12/26/2018 c1
Oh this is lovely! Just woke up and saw your story notification (and also your PMs and review thank you! I’ll have to track down breakfast before I get to those!). I was trying to figure out why this exploding snap setup sounded so familiar because I’m quite sure I haven’t read anything else about it, but if course, your note, the Cursed Child. Now it all makes sense!
This was just so perfectly done - which is not a surprise at all. I love the content of your convo between them, and the way you used what Dmbledore told Harry and had him reframe it for Ginny was just, well, perfect. I have no idea if the rules of exploding snap are written up on Pottemore somewhere, so I’m not sure if you came up with these details for how to actually play the game, or if this is canon, but if you did, good job! It sounds intriguing. What a sweet moment between them. I think it was completely spot on!

Oh this is lovely! Just woke up and saw your story notification (and also your PMs and review thank you! I’ll have to track down breakfast before I get to those!). I was trying to figure out why this exploding snap setup sounded so familiar because I’m quite sure I haven’t read anything else about it, but if course, your note, the Cursed Child. Now it all makes sense!
This was just so perfectly done - which is not a surprise at all. I love the content of your convo between them, and the way you used what Dmbledore told Harry and had him reframe it for Ginny was just, well, perfect. I have no idea if the rules of exploding snap are written up on Pottemore somewhere, so I’m not sure if you came up with these details for how to actually play the game, or if this is canon, but if you did, good job! It sounds intriguing. What a sweet moment between them. I think it was completely spot on!
12/26/2018 c1
67Liz Jean Tonks
Hello there,
thank you a lot for sharing this beautiful One-Shot. I loved how you described the Ginny/Harry - relationship, very magical. They both are very much in characters, liked that a lot.

Hello there,
thank you a lot for sharing this beautiful One-Shot. I loved how you described the Ginny/Harry - relationship, very magical. They both are very much in characters, liked that a lot.