8/11/2021 c1 Guest
Why dont you hav longer stories DAMIT
Why dont you hav longer stories DAMIT
1/24/2019 c1 12MindForged
Good start. The kissmight have happened a little too fast, but it wasn't bad at all. Hope to see more soon, please continue!
Good start. The kissmight have happened a little too fast, but it wasn't bad at all. Hope to see more soon, please continue!
12/31/2018 c1 kiwicipher
Lovely chapter! Very well written. I particularly enjoyed how you transitioned into the kissing scene. I’ve read so many fics where the kiss is built up to - something slow filled with realization and commentary on feelings and such, and while I very much enjoy that, it was also extremely nice to read it being presented as something instantaneous, impulsive and not something even Harry was fully aware of until it was already happening. A great start. I can’t wait for the next chapter!
Lovely chapter! Very well written. I particularly enjoyed how you transitioned into the kissing scene. I’ve read so many fics where the kiss is built up to - something slow filled with realization and commentary on feelings and such, and while I very much enjoy that, it was also extremely nice to read it being presented as something instantaneous, impulsive and not something even Harry was fully aware of until it was already happening. A great start. I can’t wait for the next chapter!
12/29/2018 c1 Guest
I love the drama! Keep up the great writing!
I love the drama! Keep up the great writing!