Just In
for No Such Thing As Normal

5/27/2021 c6 EmyThePotterHead
This is good. weird titles but thats okay! i appreciate you for writing this and love u for it. Amazing Human Being
4/9/2021 c96 Guest
Lovedddd It
11/24/2020 c96 12Vertigo-Finch
I'M SOBBING, THIS WAS BEAUTIFUL. I do not regret reading all 96 chapters of this in the span of three days, was sooo worth it. One of the best, most sentimental fanfictions I've ever read, I love it. Great job, I- I'm speechless this was amazing.
10/8/2020 c96 Guest
If you still don't know, you're one of my dearest best friend. Your fanfic is my first ever fanfic i've readen that includes wolfstar. And i couldn't be more connected with it even if jkr herself wrote it. I still can't find any other fanfic that i can feel at home. I guess i'll be here over and over again. And i loved the way you use turkish things since i am a turkish l, i have screenshots of every single scene of turkish examples like delights and sightseeing. Sorry for my weak english. Btw I adore dogs but im more comfertable with cats. My favorite is lemon ice cream, don't know why. Lots of love (mean it)
6/13/2020 c15 Guest
James helped Lily!
6/13/2020 c14 Guest
I am so totally James. 'IM BACK, BABY!'
6/13/2020 c13 Guest
Sirius only says 'I love you'to Remus. :D
6/13/2020 c11 Guest
Pickle Prickle
6/13/2020 c9 Guest
Why is everyone drunk?! /:)
6/13/2020 c4 Guest
6/13/2020 c3 Guest
Lol my best friend would love this she's a wolfstar shipper nlike me :)
6/8/2020 c96 mava
it was such an amazing and sweet story! it made me cry and laugh and smile and i loved it so much! thank you for writing this, this really is how i imagined things happening! :)
5/10/2020 c96 1Crazytacolady
omg I love this book, I literally could not put it down. this is exactly how I thought the marauders (and company) personality's would be like. amazing job, great writing
I'm excited for what you write next!
4/29/2020 c96 Guest
Ok I may or may not have spent a full 24 hors straight (no I didn't sleep lol) reading this, it was SO GOOD. I swear, like, all of the characters were beautifully on point, it was a rollercoaster of emotions, but really sweet an heartwarming overall. Thank you for writing this, it's a masterpiece :)
4/16/2020 c96 Lupus77
Bloody Brilliant
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