Just In
for Divide My Country, Divide My Heart

8/11/2019 c1 Anna
HaiaiIiI Smiley Freezing Hot has been updated so go check it out owo
8/11/2019 c1 Anna
2/23/2019 c3 Dcuwdlhjckweufhcwoefugdwhkcj w
I sent you a PM of the character, hope you like her!
2/23/2019 c2 Dcuwdlhjckweufhcwoefugdwhkcj w
Sorry, I meant character! *facepalms*
2/23/2019 c1 Dcuwdlhjckweufhcwoefugdwhkcj w
Plzzzz can I submit a tribute if there are any spaces? Pretty plz with a chocolate cherry on top?
1/21/2019 c3 Tis I Fry
Hi! I was too lazy to sign in but this was an amazing chapter! You got Taylor right!
-Tis I, The Most Frenchiest Fry
1/20/2019 c3 13a singular dream
Lmao 'just musicians' xD


I'm curious about both girls, but they aren't exactly stand outs to me. I like the surname Rose though~
1/20/2019 c3 sophieofwoodsbeyond
Yay! I was smiling all throughout reading this! You did a perfect job and her character is so true! Even Carter seems like a sweetheart! I really liked Taylor telling off Alice, I was kind of snickering because it was so funny. Can’t wait to meet all the other Selected and of course Calliope!
1/20/2019 c3 musicaldreams89
And so we meet our first two girls! Both of them are so intriguing.

Despite Taylor's harshness, I really like her. She seems grounded and focused, and probably is quite the realist. Also "Not today Satan". Me.

From what I've seen of Adrienne so far, she also gives off a very sensible vibe off of her. Their Hope is such a sweet thing for her to do, especially with her past experiences and hardships.

I wonder how both of them will interact with their individual Selections.

Nothing else much to say, other than lovely chapters, and I'll be waiting to meet the rest of the girls!
1/20/2019 c2 musicaldreams89
Have to say, I don't really blame the Illean family for pointing fingers at the Imperian family...but like Jameson said, isn't the time all off? Then again, this is probably what the people responsible for the murder wanted - to shift blame and cause conflict. Tingles.

This whole family uses formalities with each other despite being blood related, a sharp contrast with the Illean royal family. Another thing to note.

I already like Oryn. Poor guy, I feel so bad for him. Also, I love Queen.

And here we go with the Selection!
1/20/2019 c1 musicaldreams89
Oh no, I didn't review these chapters yet! Dunno what possessed me to not do so, but I'm going to speed by with quick reviews and then we'll move on!

The contrast in both royal families is interesting. It's like seeing two different personalities, which makes me wonder how each country's standards are run. Nesryn is by far the most intriguing, with Jameson a close second. I'm interested to find out more.

Otherwise, Wyatt is precious. Please protect.

Welp, we've already started off pretty strong with a string of murders in the first chapter. Onto the next!
1/20/2019 c3 2The Cruel Pringle
Oooo that last part was so mysterious!
1/20/2019 c3 3rubylaurus
Yay! I love both these girls. They seem so accomplished! Definitely the type of girls I would want to see as Queen.
1/13/2019 c2 rubylaurus
Oooh, I am intrigued by Queen Nesryn! I feel bad for Jameson. Or rather, Prince Jameson as Queen Nesryn would say. AND YES BOHEMIAN RHAPSODY HAHA! This was amazing, I'm so looking forward to your next chapter!
1/13/2019 c2 1Smiley111
YESSSSS I KNOW RIGHT! I highly reccomend the series, they are one of my favorite book series of all time! Thanks so much for the review, you made my day!
I have an Illean and Imperian spot reserved for you! :)
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