Just In
for The Men From Onyx

10/17/2022 c89 EWR115
Whilst it sucks to see one of the few long and detailed stories on this site come to an end, it is nice to see at least the outline of how everything would have played out instead of waiting for an update that would never come to be. Thank you for your time to create such a world for everyone to enjoy
10/17/2022 c89 Rookie80
I'm so sad to see this story end. It is by far my favorite story on this site. I wish you could've finished it, but I respect your decision. I am very grateful that you posted the draft for the story.

Reading your story was really fun and exciting. You are a great writer, and I hope you continue this amazing talent you have.

Spartans never die.
10/17/2022 c89 PaladinSans
So that’s how it ends, huh? Out with a bang, instead of a whimper?
10/17/2022 c89 1axel100
Ouch. In the past year, I've seen the plug pulled on 3 long established stories. Losing this one hurts the. most. though. Thank you for at least wrapping up some loose ends. I do wish I could have seen Set be the badass I knew he would be. Also, if you still. have that priginal first version of Men from Onyx, please post it. You newer readers. might appreciate you past efforts. Thanks for. the ride. Wish it could have been longer.
10/17/2022 c89 5Dragon lord Syed 101
Nice to get an some form of conclusion to all of this good luck in the future
10/17/2022 c89 Shadowdoom286
Kmd to see that this story will never be completed but.. I can't really change that.

It was a very enjoyable read though.
10/17/2022 c89 2sundew112604
Thank you for everything.
10/17/2022 c89 ShadoWolf2163
I loved the story, both the original and the revised version. And while it's sad to see that it won't be truly finished thank you for giving us the closure of how it would've gone.
10/17/2022 c89 3Grimmideals
I loved this story and while I'm sad to see it ended early I'm glad you gave us an Idea of how it would close. Stay safe and good luck Writing!
-sincerly, Grima
10/17/2022 c89 7joecola00
Sad that you burnt out, but thanks for posting your plans. Good luck on that original novel you got planned.
10/17/2022 c89 I Maserbate to Hentai
I refuse to believe Meadows will only get a cameo, that immortal son of a bitch deserves way more than that, hell even a generic into the multiverse starring The Immortal Helljumper would be enough.
10/17/2022 c89 Cooldude101011
Damn, may I ask why this fic has been abandoned? I really wanted to see Set be a badass. Where can I find this original novel?

Although I am disappointed I do appreciate the fact that you aren’t going radio silent about this fic and basically leaving a massive cliffhanger.

Maybe you could do some one shots where after Meadows disappears he finds himself in other universes. Basically, if it’s basically certain that he should die then his immortality would teleport him to a different universe or something, I dunno, it’d be funny.
10/17/2022 c89 5NRF
Well...It's a shame I'll never see this in extended form, but it's good to know your entire plan for it instead of dead silence.

What was the reason behind why you can't continue it again?
10/12/2022 c88 matteodile2001
this is one of the best stories i have ever read, please continue it
10/3/2022 c88 Guest
Sweet set is finally out and about I am so excited to see where that goes and also how faunaes and other important people will react to him.
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