Just In
for Who Dares Wins

3/28 c32 Guest
Sorry you have given up on this story; it was an interesting read.
3/27 c1 Welshdevil
This is so good! This has got me paranoid for the others like Susan who have dead loved ones. I’d be putting a ring of salt round them graves just in case. James and Frank are yes-men lapdog assholes and Lily and Alice meek and deluded. The characters really draw you in a frustration you haha. Harry and Neville are so bamf it’s awesome. Can’t wait to read more and hope Harry and Neville can topple Dumblefuck.
3/24 c32 Hildygirl
Thanks for your author notes, looking forward to your return. Till then I a just waiting and hoping all is well ( As much as it can be w idiots who hide behind their keyboards and spread hate, bah to them! )
3/20 c31 gardien1204
dani diggle is a potter isnt she the so called misscarried daughter of lily
3/19 c32 Saldur
Ohhhh thats so fucked leaving it on a cliffhanger. Super good read tho was a joy.
3/11 c32 3TwistedHilarity
Just writing to mention how much i enjoy this story. I reread every once in a while, just for the kjoy. Also i read your last author’s note and i am so sorry some *#*#*t* sent you transphobic crap, especially about your kiddo. No one deserves that. I hope you are doing all right, and if you are ever able to write for this again i will happily read it.
3/2 c8 Guest
The whole idea that Lords must swear an oath while taking up a Lordship is stupid. If that was the case, half of the Death Eaters would be dead due to their own actions.
3/1 c32 Guest
i reallly loved your story
and im sorry for the shit some people put you through
but the fact that you couldnt give 2 shits about it and still love ur daughter is inspiring
i think its been about 2 years since youve updated
i hope youre doing well

regards and well wishes
fan of your fiction
3/1 c31 Lukoshi
I'm kind of over Ambrose as a character, there is so much happening in this story that he feels like an addition that isn't really necessary.
2/27 c32 ara.wilgin
i love your story and hope you will continue it one day
thank you for your work so far!
2/25 c32 WanderingWhacko
Thanks for a really great read so far. Hope you find your way back to it at some point.
2/22 c4 ara.wilgin
thats a really cool start, i'm looking forward to reading more
2/13 c32 Kinjo2k01
abdolutley love this story... is it still going..?
1/26 c32 hyrule.champion50
Please, I love this story and need more.
1/21 c32 Hugs
So sorry about the nasty DMs you received. Thank you for the marvellous story so far.
I hope it gets finished some day. And that both you and your daughter enjoy a long, happy and wholesome life.
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