Just In
for Bound by Blood

1/24/2022 c5 candy
Omg so I came from Garden of Eden and this is just as good if not better. I hope we get to read more!
8/3/2020 c5 Mariel Roselly Chilan
¡uhg! ¡no lo puedo creer! ¡¿Solo cinco capítulos?! Quiero ha encantado la historia como no tienes idea...Te daría un enorme abrazo si pudiera, pero dicen por ahí que hasta los abrazos están vetados a causa de la cuarentena. Gracias por esta historia, estuve tentada a leer la versión anterior, pero decidí no hacerlo porque dijiste que no la continuarí quiero sufrir por eso...De todos modos te mando un beso volador y animo. Ojala escuche noticias de usted pronto. 3
5/29/2020 c1 ProTaggingProperly
Well, this Harry is sure shallow as heck. Why is he not paying attention and not joting down notes if he wants to pass the class? Typical Griffindor (this is more of Ronald Weasley's prejudice in canon) to have a bad impression on someone because they dress nicely and don't want dirt upon their clothes like normal people, specially teachers who are required to be presentable. Because they are clean means they are evil?! What logic is this? This Harry deserves a failing grade.
12/16/2019 c3 5egatoti
I was wondering from the first chap, it seems like...well forgive me if i'm wrong but isn't nymphadora has blood relation with sirius? Because what i know about tonks is the daughter of andromeda...and andromeda's cousin to sirius, that's mean sirius has an affair with his own niece?
12/16/2019 c2 egatoti
As long as i still find the story isn't boring so yeah i still love them anyway
12/16/2019 c1 egatoti
I hope you will not abandon this story...again
12/6/2019 c5 147Willofhounds
Amazing chapter! Thank you for the update! I cant wait for more.
12/5/2019 c5 1TMarvoloRiddle1944
Glad your back!
And thank you for the shout out! That was cool !
9/25/2019 c4 Guest
I know you haven't updated in a while, but I really love this fic. I hope you have the time and can keep writing.
8/7/2019 c4 1Hiina
Hoping for more
7/28/2019 c4 Luna Radcliffe
Garden of Eden was one of my favourite story and I should confess that I lost hope about the story to be finishd so I was extremely happy to see that you are back! even if it is a different story I am glad that you decided to continue writing! I love the plot and I love the way you describe Harry and Tom moments! I think that is what attract me more about the story! i am looking foward to reading next chapter!
4/4/2019 c4 1TMarvoloRiddle1944
Amazing as always. There is more Harry/Draco I feel that last time. But I am okay with that! Completely aha!
3/29/2019 c4 4Perhentian
Nice chapter!
3/27/2019 c4 faqeera
3/19/2019 c3 1TMarvoloRiddle1944
Great chapter again as always. I’m enjoying the slow build.
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