Just In
for Two Sides To Every Galleon

1/20 c71 perlcat45
I am actually reading this, this is awesome.
1/16 c22 Mopsus Sees All
I love this book its so creative and interesting and well paced, in other books its adventure after avenure so I can't put them down, here I can moderate myself while still being completely obssessed.
1/16 c4 Mopsus Sees All
OMG I love this book, and Bellatrix is the cherry on top
11/26/2024 c71 DesertPirate
It's been over a year, hope you can continue this one.
11/17/2024 c71 1niloc66
Please can you write more of this story.
11/12/2024 c27 kawasaki1298
You write a awful amount of info on the other characters but its hard to see where the main character stand you should fix this hermione is casting silently cool where does daphne stand? Or for that matter harry the one thats being targeted
11/3/2024 c71 Silver
Loved this please keep making more chapters
9/8/2024 c71 IAriannei
I am really enjoying this fic and I hope you decide to continue it.
8/10/2024 c71 55Taliesin The Eternal Bard
All I will say is I read this story years ago, you have improved on it
8/4/2024 c71 EJDimera'sGirl
I am really enjoying this story. I hope there is an update soon.
7/20/2024 c1 peggyjolaws
wonderful story. i do hope you continue it. pleas write more. thanks peggy
6/30/2024 c71 ruldsim1972
Greg, we are still reading and eagerly waiting on new chapters!
6/17/2024 c71 Moonlight-Silver0209
I'm reading it and I still find it interesting and unparalleled.
6/16/2024 c71 DanYHKim
A bit of calm. I am relieved, because the l previous chapter really took it out of me.

I'm kind of sad about Dumbledore. Maybe his heart attack also precipitated some mini-strokes, which would exacerbate his personality flaws and cause him to become less rational and more single-minded and vindictive. His ruling on Draco should get back to the parents, and the Board in particular, so they can force his 'medically necessary' retirement.

Meanwhile, Lucius *might* be in the castle, staying within the Lord's apartment with Draco. The tendency of the Map to be ambiguous about names is a perennial weakness. Narcissa got away from the family just in time. I feel that Lord Draco would not hesitate to punish her through family magic, with his headship.

The Prophet headline says that you have more plotted out. I really look forward to it.
6/16/2024 c70 DanYHKim
Holy shit on a shingle
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