Just In
for But There is Always the Future

7/13/2023 c3 Guest
I hope your grandfather rests in peace
2/8/2023 c3 Guest
Sorry to hear that about your grandfather passing away. I hope things get better for you.
10/25/2022 c3 Guest
Sorry for your loss. Please take all the time you need to get better.
8/13/2021 c3 Guest
Sorry for your loss I hope you are doing well
5/7/2021 c3 Guest
Where is the sex
6/18/2020 c3 Sunny
I'm sorry for your loss. Take the time you need.
6/18/2020 c3 ColdWaterChicken
I’m very sorry for your loss, and yes, family always comes first.

I will keep your mother and grandmother in prayers too. :)
6/17/2020 c3 22Nuppa Nuppa
Sorry for your loss.
6/17/2020 c3 phetiamwantip
Sorry about your loss, I know how you feel. Just take a break and have some time to calm down for a minute.
6/17/2020 c3 50Skyla Talon
I am so so so sorry! My grandfather passed away earlier this year, so I can understand what you are going through. Please take the time you need. I am loving this story very much and am very very very patiently waiting for the next chapter. Please don't feel as if your disappointing us... you right when you say that family always comes first!
6/17/2020 c3 NightShock99
Sorry for your loss.
6/17/2020 c3 24no-longer-active-boi
Oh no, I'm so sorry! That's awful

Yes, family always comes first, don't be pressured to update until your ready again.

I'm sorry for your loss and I wish you and your family the best.
6/15/2020 c2 ColdWaterChicken
Why did Cole telling Zane to "stop overthinking or he'll give himself a headache" made me laugh? XD
An update the day after the first chapter? *brings in soda and snacks* I'll be waiting for the next chapter then!

6/16/2020 c2 phetiamwantip
Nice job on your new chapter. I can’t wait for more.
6/16/2020 c2 22Nuppa Nuppa
There was a net! Yay I am back on the rails!
Is Dr. Julien gonna show up? I really hope so!
Good job!
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