5/27/2019 c3
I remember reading this and loved it at the time - beautifully written as always.

I remember reading this and loved it at the time - beautifully written as always.
5/27/2019 c3 tasteofthebitchpudding
I feel like my Distractions Christine is on such a parallel journey with your Christine here, and I absolutely love the bittersweet undertone of these one-shots. Regrets tempered by time and love. Brava!
I feel like my Distractions Christine is on such a parallel journey with your Christine here, and I absolutely love the bittersweet undertone of these one-shots. Regrets tempered by time and love. Brava!
5/27/2019 c3
As always, you capture a scene very well in a few well-thought-out words. How well they understand each other here, and how much he still wonders if she regrets her choice.

As always, you capture a scene very well in a few well-thought-out words. How well they understand each other here, and how much he still wonders if she regrets her choice.
4/25/2019 c2
I never reviewed Chapter 2 in all its hottness. I can just imagine him growling that into Christine's ear as thrusts violently in and out of her. Job well done!

I never reviewed Chapter 2 in all its hottness. I can just imagine him growling that into Christine's ear as thrusts violently in and out of her. Job well done!
3/29/2019 c2
17Wheel of Fish
You've packed such a punch into so few words, and it hit me right in the gut. You always manage to make uncomfortable angst so HOT, and I always feel like I shouldn't find these scenes as scintillating as I do, but I also know that's the exact sort of reaction you love to invoke and I kind of hate you for it. :P
"calloused fingertips strumming an incessant rhythm between my thighs" HHFKFTHGJ

You've packed such a punch into so few words, and it hit me right in the gut. You always manage to make uncomfortable angst so HOT, and I always feel like I shouldn't find these scenes as scintillating as I do, but I also know that's the exact sort of reaction you love to invoke and I kind of hate you for it. :P
"calloused fingertips strumming an incessant rhythm between my thighs" HHFKFTHGJ
3/23/2019 c2
I can see Erik needed reassurance for years afterwards. Finding that scarf would immediately make him suspicious of why she'd kept it and he'd promptly demand answers. Taking her to bed would be a way to assert his dominance and control, to show that he was the winner. Excellent final line there.

I can see Erik needed reassurance for years afterwards. Finding that scarf would immediately make him suspicious of why she'd kept it and he'd promptly demand answers. Taking her to bed would be a way to assert his dominance and control, to show that he was the winner. Excellent final line there.
3/23/2019 c2
Oh yes, jealousy in fic can be very hot. ;) I like that Erik can still get incredibly jealous years after Christine became his wife (and my little R/C loving heart enjoys the fact that she kept the scarf hidden away). I'm glad you got around to posting this here. :)

Oh yes, jealousy in fic can be very hot. ;) I like that Erik can still get incredibly jealous years after Christine became his wife (and my little R/C loving heart enjoys the fact that she kept the scarf hidden away). I'm glad you got around to posting this here. :)
2/5/2019 c1 kwat0
Well this just completely destroyed me. What a warm and heart wrenching piece of writing this is, you have spun words like silk, this was completely and utterly devastatingly perfect. How you managed to fit so much emotion and detailed narrative into one small ficlet is beyond me and truly admirable. The ending nearly ended ME, I've died a little, but in a good way. I'm going to go cry now
Well this just completely destroyed me. What a warm and heart wrenching piece of writing this is, you have spun words like silk, this was completely and utterly devastatingly perfect. How you managed to fit so much emotion and detailed narrative into one small ficlet is beyond me and truly admirable. The ending nearly ended ME, I've died a little, but in a good way. I'm going to go cry now
2/4/2019 c1
31Not A Ghost3
I wasn't prepared for this. That was a masterpiece. I don't know if my heart could've taken a multi cheater fic, holy crow! So good, my friend, so good.

I wasn't prepared for this. That was a masterpiece. I don't know if my heart could've taken a multi cheater fic, holy crow! So good, my friend, so good.
2/4/2019 c1
Pure beauty. Thank you. The way you write Christine's depiction of loosing her mind in old age is touching and delicate.

Pure beauty. Thank you. The way you write Christine's depiction of loosing her mind in old age is touching and delicate.
2/4/2019 c1
17Wheel of Fish
Oh lord, I don't know how I would have handled this as a sprawling multichapter fic; it's already such an intense punch to the gut. On the other hand, I'm very interested in more of the early marital "discovery" that you so eloquently summarized. ;) Have you read littlelonghairedoutlaw's "Etched with Tears"? because this reminds me a little of it and I think you'd like it.
I love that you prefaced this story by saying how "you" it is, because it's so cool to have that one piece to turn to that encapsulates everything you are as a writer, and I don't know that I have one yet and I'm slightly jealous, but it was so interesting to get a glimpse at yours!

Oh lord, I don't know how I would have handled this as a sprawling multichapter fic; it's already such an intense punch to the gut. On the other hand, I'm very interested in more of the early marital "discovery" that you so eloquently summarized. ;) Have you read littlelonghairedoutlaw's "Etched with Tears"? because this reminds me a little of it and I think you'd like it.
I love that you prefaced this story by saying how "you" it is, because it's so cool to have that one piece to turn to that encapsulates everything you are as a writer, and I don't know that I have one yet and I'm slightly jealous, but it was so interesting to get a glimpse at yours!