Just In
for Heart Balm

3/30/2019 c1 by nay
no please continue this because i love your fanfic
2/27/2019 c1 2TheWritingMermaid
Oh, please don’t stop there. I really liked this and it was very good and interesting plot. I would also very much like a follow-up!
2/14/2019 c1 21Grace Buckley
this needs a follow-up! you can't end it like this... poor Juvia I'm crying for her T_T
2/12/2019 c1 32Star197
This was amazing!
2/12/2019 c1 Guest
Oh you can't stop here. This is so good.
2/12/2019 c1 glodenglowingsnowdemon
awesome awesome. I really cannot wait for the next chapter and I hate the woman that gray kissed even if it does not make any sense. I would love to see how gray would react to seeing a juvia who would not love him. this story along with its plot and language is great. And last but not the last please update soon.
2/11/2019 c1 Guest
One part of me feels that juvia should drop gray's ass for treating her that way and find herself a new part of me screams GRUVIA because it's so ingrained in my heart.
2/11/2019 c1 nik09 it...i like the other guest idea, please make another chapter the effect of it. :D
2/11/2019 c1 34acochran5
This is really good, I very much liked it! Gray was always nice toward Juvia but I feel like he just didn’t really consider her feelings ever when rejecting her which always made me feel bad for Juvia and respect for the fact she never gave up. Some call it obsession and maybe it is but Juvia really, really likes Gray and she is a nice girl which is why I think if he did actually show signs of loving someone else she would just want him to be happy. She would be sad, of course, but not vengeful. Thanks for making this to show how Juvia really does hurt when Gray constantly rejects her. Hope for more oneshots in the future!
2/11/2019 c1 Guest
yo i know you said you were done but i could totally use another chapter of how she acts after using it. i don't really care for gray's reaction but like everyone else's.

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