Just In
for A Valentine's Day Tale

5/17/2019 c1 13Scrappy LeMonte
I really enjoyed that!
2/26/2019 c1 kimjo2
How I loved that show and how I hated how it ended. This was as beautiful as the best part of the show. Thank you so much
2/23/2019 c1 35Mary Rose
What a wonderful place to end up for them. Nice job.
2/17/2019 c1 1Thunderhoof
loved your story, much needed for Valentine's Day, a great tribute to our fave couple. Thanks for the pleasure of reading it. Cheers, Thunderhoof
2/16/2019 c1 Leann Nickerson
So CUTE! Great! Thanks so much for your time and effort in writing this!
2/15/2019 c1 spacekitten2700

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