Just In
for Someday Comes

12/27/2021 c1 kimjo2
Thank you for this. It brought tears to my eyes.
2/18/2019 c1 7Lee kadivar
I love it. Super sweet but good. And I loved the gollum thing. That's so Sheldon. Thank you for posting this. I love your work.
2/18/2019 c1 Chaoshift
Poignant and beautiful, with a lovely conclusion. You can feel the gentle flow from start to finish; satisfying.
2/17/2019 c1 Persephonespomegranate
This makes my Shenny heart all warm and glowy. So good to see you making them THEM again. Thank you.
2/17/2019 c1 40Niffler91
My Shenny shipping heart is so damn happy right now. That was beautiful and so sweet.

I have a thing called a ‘Shenny dance’ and I promise you that your story made me do that dance - in the middle of a restaurant toilet! Kudos to you :-D
2/17/2019 c1 25CTR69
This is why I still love them. Everything is so simple and relaxed. None of the gaslighting, obsessions, yearly plans, conspiracies, cheatings, manipulations,...
2/16/2019 c1 3numbersense
Any sequels planned? I've always wanted to see how a Shenny marriage would look like.
2/16/2019 c1 jslee102
2/16/2019 c1 5akaxkr
That is a lovely Valentine's story, thanks. :)
2/16/2019 c1 rit57
Shot and sweet, unlinked it.
2/16/2019 c1 together33x3
2/16/2019 c1 Guest
hahaha... you people are just laughable... I mean... I can't... .. hahahaha... my god...hahahha...hahahaha... please keep writing stupid crappy bullshit, you are making my day...

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