Just In
for The King Of School!

4/6/2019 c1 Guest
Another Dumb Sef Insert
3/28/2019 c8 Guest
Wow.. that was boring.. sorry... you just replaced Tsukune with OC how "original"...
2/24/2019 c1 Vercingetorix Rex
well, this is a Tsukune replacement fic, oc mary sue being only an improved version of Tsukune!
already I see that the meeting between oc and Moka is the same as between Tsukune and Moka.

no difference at the moment, Oc Tsukune following the adventures of Tsukune as if he were Tsukune himself! and this is only the first chapter!

As a matter of principle, I dislike replacement fic of one character by another and of course harem stealing! i'm out

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