Just In
for An Unexpected Cellmate

4/2/2020 c5 Erikawaskiki
Wow! Great plot line and story! I’ve been reading LOTR/Hobbit fanfic for years and this is quite a unique one. great writing. Can’t wait for the update.
3/2/2020 c5 Copycat25
Great update! I really feel for Olwen, having stitches ripped open in that manner has to be painful and probably absolutely shredded her shoulder.
Can't wait till your next update!
3/1/2020 c5 1eeemkaaayy
I love Oin's story; hopefully it doesn't turn out to be foreshadowing. I'm very intrigued with how the magic works in your world. I live that there's more magical folk running around out there. I gotta say though, zombie!Smaug sure would come in handy versus those orcs...
3/1/2020 c5 Dreamer3
I got chills from this chapter! Can't wait for more!
3/1/2020 c5 MaryCo
Hey! Happy to see you updated)) I lost any hope of reading this story through to the very end)) but now you give me hope again) hah update))
3/1/2020 c5 ro781727
Yes, Tolkien himself was clear that Necromancy had no redeeming qualities. I hope Olwen gives it up for her own sake. They better find Bard fast!
1/17/2020 c4 Copycat25
Fascinating story so far! I'm excited to see where you decide to take it! Looking forward to reading more from you soon!
12/15/2019 c4 eeemkaaayy
Olwen is so rad, I lover her and this fic
8/12/2019 c4 ro781727
Oh boy, I don’t blame Sigrid for fearing her.
4/29/2019 c3 MaryCo
I liked the beginning very much))
A necromancer against orcs in hobbit/LoR is something unusual and that makes it very interesting and intriguing)) so please continue with the story) I can only imagine how the things will go... may be she can use the life force of the living (like orcs) to control the dead ones (orcs again)... she sounds like a one-man-army))
All in all I am waiting for the next chapters))
and of course I am absolutely for some romance;)) and HAPPY END))
4/14/2019 c3 lydo99
Things just keep getting more and more interesting :)
4/13/2019 c3 ro781727
Raising the dead, that’s the type of magic Tolkien was against (hence why only the evil magic users practiced it). She better kick that nasty habit or else it could consume her (she may not be evil now, but her evil magic will eventually corrupt her unless she stops using it).
3/30/2019 c2 Emrfangirl
This is getting curioser and curioser. Love it!
3/30/2019 c2 ro781727
Very interesting, what did Olwen do? For that matter, what is she?
3/9/2019 c1 Aranel Mereneth
Really interesting concept so far! I hope Olwen is also a dwarf. Update soon!
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