Just In
for Brand New World

3/19/2019 c2 C.C.Baker
Draco isn’t playing any games...oh dear
3/19/2019 c2 C.C.Baker
Oh, no. Harry died
3/19/2019 c1 C.C.Baker
Great start;p
3/19/2019 c1 C.C.Baker
Wow! I’m so into this already!
3/15/2019 c1 Mistress-Cinder
Draco is a naughty brash mother. He really is crazy.
3/15/2019 c1 ASJS
I'm hooked
I really wanna know what happens next
3/13/2019 c1 Lena2244
I was wondering if he was going to transform during the act.
3/8/2019 c1 Brooklynhills
So eager for more!
3/8/2019 c1 Brooklynhills
Harry is dead? Oh no. And Draco is very devious. Please continue!
3/8/2019 c1 2crazyKate92
This’ll be interesting I bet.
3/8/2019 c1 SilverStar90
Oh I love a good dark Dramione fic. I hope you update soon!
3/6/2019 c1 LarryFND
Loving this! Can't wait for the next chapter
3/7/2019 c2 Ariwolff14
This is VERY good. The characters, the dialogue, the story...wonderful.
3/7/2019 c1 13TheImperfectionista
This is off to an intriguing start. There’s so much tension between them. Can’t wait to read more of what you have in store!
3/7/2019 c1 Guest
Oooohhhhh yes! Thank you, may I have another chapter?
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