Just In
for Brand New World

5/18/2022 c53 Feiliar
I thoroughly enjoyed how Lucius got his ass handed over to him. He had so many chances through the years to back off and let bygones be bygones and build his relationship with his son and grandson but no, he had to be a complete moron and spew this pure blood nonsense every chance he got. Now he’s lost everything.
5/18/2022 c69 vannamash2015
you truly are a talented writer and I hope to see the end of this story! you had me captivated from the first page and I am sad that this is where I finished. I can't wait to read what else you've wrote!
5/16/2022 c48 Feiliar
Lucius is like an absolute moron. After all he and his family have suffered, after the perfect pure blood princess proceeded to remove her own womb to make a statement he continues with his idiotic rambling. I used to support him halfway through this fic but this weird obsession of his grates on my nerves. The scene with bane was quite eerie. I still can’t fathom how hermione deduced that returning to Draco would result in bane having to kill her. I also ask myself, why does everything has to be a bloody riddle? Couldn’t a single soul, or bane for a matter of fact, just tel her the poor teenage girl what the hell she is supposed to do. How is it fair, that deciding to stay at home in a cold winter night would mean a cruel and cold hearted murder ?
5/16/2022 c69 MotekElm
excellent. thrilling
5/16/2022 c69 Vi
A few more questions, why would anybody willingly sacrifice themselves if they know how bad things are ganna get if the power will be unleash?
And the gost from the castle know that scorpian also has the gift, why bother with Hermione?
5/16/2022 c69 Vi
Great chapter.
What did lucius say 2 draco?:):)
And u wrote that Draco was holding a wand. How is that possible?
Waiting 2 see draco's plan play out
And why did u wait until lucius died 2 bring the order?could had been 2 sec before
And it is very odd that they managed 2 kidnapp Marcus. He is super strong and all. Not explained well enough.
But I still love it!
5/16/2022 c69 8The cat with blue eyes
I am sure this is not Draco but I wonder who could impersonate him convincingly... maybe Blaise ? or Théo?
5/15/2022 c69 2WriteAwayMaam
Brilliant! Absolutely incredible plot!
5/15/2022 c68 WriteAwayMaam
. ! You mastermind!
5/15/2022 c69 frekles
Incredible chapter!
5/15/2022 c69 sendtheowl
I can't take much more lol
who am I kidding, see u next update
5/15/2022 c67 WriteAwayMaam
Right on Hermione!
5/15/2022 c69 2roon0
Oh my goodness, what a cliffy. Can one be sorry for Lucius's death, a tiny bit maybe. I hope Ringwood and his crew get there's
5/15/2022 c69 LadyPerspicax
Lucius was a supreme asshole but damn if that wasn’t a way to make amends for all the pain and suffering he causes Hermione and Draco.
5/15/2022 c69 Serennos
Fantastic, tense, exciting... Excellent bit of subterfuge, so that their bond won’t be broken! Hmm, Hermione’s chains... now where’s Neville with that bloody sword?
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