Just In
for Scattered Across Time and Space (Discontinued and up for adoption)

2/24/2021 c4 4Tf2sniper326
It's nice to see you back, even if it's only for one chapter.

I'd say I want to adopt this fic but 1: I'm already way behind on the story I'm trying to write (life just loves getting in the way of art) and 2: I don't think I have the skill to write this kind of story.

Then again maybe I'm too hard on myself and/or need some variety to recharge my creative muscles.
I'll think about it and send you a PM if I ever make up my mind.
2/22/2021 c3 TheWinterDeerclops
I don't expect to see this continued, after all fics that didn't garner attention rarely last, however I really did enjoy what you had.

It's just cool, I guess. I was interested in seeing how these characters would interact, and I feel like there would have been some nice interactions. Plus, I really feel like you captured the way the DD cast talked. Not too stilted, but still formal in a regard.

I will say though, that if you ever feel like continuing this, don't be discouraged by the lack of views. Try to remember that Darkest Dungeon isn't exactly the most popular fanfiction subject, and if the fandom was any bigger, this would probably be worth at least an extra zero at the end.

Either way, I'm planning on following this story and you. Keep up the good work!
1/27/2020 c3 God of Salvation
Me hope this continues.
11/16/2019 c3 Tf2sniper326
This is really good. You captured the atmosphere of the Darkest Dungeon perfectly. The idea of the heroes/fools of DD dealing with monsters who don't want them dead is also really interesting.

As for Dismas' reaction. Well, I'd say he has plenty of reasons for being cautious around a sentient monster by now, so it didn't bother me.

I really want more of this. Any chance you'll update?
10/2/2019 c3 12Kiue Jin
As a knee jerk reaction, I can't blame Dismas. He's been around the Estate for a while now, so he's seen the many sick and twisted creatures and monsters that have had a chance to be spawned and created as a result of the actions of the Ancestor and those he brought to aid him in his endeavors.

The fact that this creature is intelligent, can speak and is clearly at odds with the undead if the fact it was fighting a ghoul was any indication puts it in a completely new category from the norm through... and around the Estate, the mysteries of the unknown can be fatal. So he is right to be distrustful, but evidence suggests she doesn't mean them harm.

I fully admit I'm interested to see where things go from here.
8/18/2019 c3 2Wolfwaffe
I beg of you! Return to this fic, continue the story, and deliver us from the ravenous clutching shadows of a cliffhanger!
4/28/2019 c3 NoSaleSunday
Found this by pleasant surprise and now you've got me counting down the days till the next chapter! Can't wait!
3/25/2019 c3 4Zaravan
Mhm. Good work with the depiction of the battle with the Goul. You were able to get across just how dangerous those cursed things are, especially with their Skull Toss and Screeching attacks.
3/21/2019 c2 Zaravan
Ah! I'm so glad to see another quality crossover with Darkest Dungeon! I will admit, I am looking forward to seeing more.

Also, have you considered utilizing the dearth of Custom Classes available for the game on the Steam version's workshop for more characters? It's not an uncommon practice for other DD fics. It'd give the roster more diversity if you're going the route of there being One Character per Class.
3/14/2019 c1 bobdude8888
I can't wait to see more of this

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