9/12/2019 c13 Koncor the great
And done is of finished sooner if I didn't get sick any way that was fun a little miss labeled but fun I honestly don't have anything to say we'll unless you are looking for oc's for the sports festivals then I can do that in my sleep.
And done is of finished sooner if I didn't get sick any way that was fun a little miss labeled but fun I honestly don't have anything to say we'll unless you are looking for oc's for the sports festivals then I can do that in my sleep.
9/9/2019 c2
Honestly I liked the concept of the story, but then you added some random One Punch Man characters, which immediately killed my interests. Also, all the capitalized and bold writing is really annoying to read.

Honestly I liked the concept of the story, but then you added some random One Punch Man characters, which immediately killed my interests. Also, all the capitalized and bold writing is really annoying to read.
9/8/2019 c1 Key
Too occ
Too occ
9/8/2019 c13
4Shock The System
Great chapter as always. Also I saw that JoJo part 5 reference, Gold Experience Requiem defeats KC

Great chapter as always. Also I saw that JoJo part 5 reference, Gold Experience Requiem defeats KC
9/1/2019 c12 Zukafew119
Funny way to start the chapter with Camie antagonizing Deku by recording him singing Lady Gaga while cooking and plaining on posting it on the internet. I love how Deku sets a cold water trap/alarm on Trish and does it to her while she’s wearing a bear onesie. I do love the like Deku says to Camie: “Shut up and eat your 5 star breakfast.” I do love how Deku describes the different verities of scrambled eggs he has made with the line: the worlds style for “Shut the fuck up and eat already.”
The killer Clown in this chapter makes me think that he your universe Joker because of how he acts and is able to evade the law enforcement time and time again. I do like how some students compare Carlitos to Pennywise villain from “IT.” I do like how you have Deku explain to his fellow students why All Might is focusing on being a hero course teacher at UA, instead of prohero work. I do love how Deku was able to sneakily win 18,000 yen. I do like the scene where Katsuki is training Ibara and Mineta in close range fighting, it is hilarious hearing the banter between them.
I do like the banter between the previous wielders of OFA and Deku, especially when taking about what hero name that Deku should have. I do like the hero name Camie chose to use was the given to her by Deku’s youngest sister. I do love the name Deku choose to use is. “slightly friendly neighborhood: Spiderstorm” and how Grand Torino says to shorten it to Spiderstorm. I do like how Trish’s hero name fits her to a T: Lady Rage. It was so hilarious how Murry keeps having his choices for a hero name shot down by Grand Torino because they are either inappropriate or likely get copyrighted with Snoop Dog. I really did like the back story behind Kenshi’s hero name. I can see your Deku being a chemistry expert with how his quirk works but totally did not see that Camie being a math expert.
I do love that in the omake (that’s if Deku did not get kicked out of UA), that Deku points out to Shoto that if he becomes the number 1 hero in Japan with just his ice power. That Endeavor will still being winning since he wants Shoto become the number 1 hero in Japan. He will not like that Shoto is not using his fire quirk but main reason why Endeavor had children with Shoto’s mom is because to create a child that will surpass him and become Japan’s number 1 hero. Poor Shoto having the carp beaten out of him by ice statue in the shape like his mom. Keep up the great work MOTHERFU, till next time!
Funny way to start the chapter with Camie antagonizing Deku by recording him singing Lady Gaga while cooking and plaining on posting it on the internet. I love how Deku sets a cold water trap/alarm on Trish and does it to her while she’s wearing a bear onesie. I do love the like Deku says to Camie: “Shut up and eat your 5 star breakfast.” I do love how Deku describes the different verities of scrambled eggs he has made with the line: the worlds style for “Shut the fuck up and eat already.”
The killer Clown in this chapter makes me think that he your universe Joker because of how he acts and is able to evade the law enforcement time and time again. I do like how some students compare Carlitos to Pennywise villain from “IT.” I do like how you have Deku explain to his fellow students why All Might is focusing on being a hero course teacher at UA, instead of prohero work. I do love how Deku was able to sneakily win 18,000 yen. I do like the scene where Katsuki is training Ibara and Mineta in close range fighting, it is hilarious hearing the banter between them.
I do like the banter between the previous wielders of OFA and Deku, especially when taking about what hero name that Deku should have. I do like the hero name Camie chose to use was the given to her by Deku’s youngest sister. I do love the name Deku choose to use is. “slightly friendly neighborhood: Spiderstorm” and how Grand Torino says to shorten it to Spiderstorm. I do like how Trish’s hero name fits her to a T: Lady Rage. It was so hilarious how Murry keeps having his choices for a hero name shot down by Grand Torino because they are either inappropriate or likely get copyrighted with Snoop Dog. I really did like the back story behind Kenshi’s hero name. I can see your Deku being a chemistry expert with how his quirk works but totally did not see that Camie being a math expert.
I do love that in the omake (that’s if Deku did not get kicked out of UA), that Deku points out to Shoto that if he becomes the number 1 hero in Japan with just his ice power. That Endeavor will still being winning since he wants Shoto become the number 1 hero in Japan. He will not like that Shoto is not using his fire quirk but main reason why Endeavor had children with Shoto’s mom is because to create a child that will surpass him and become Japan’s number 1 hero. Poor Shoto having the carp beaten out of him by ice statue in the shape like his mom. Keep up the great work MOTHERFU, till next time!
8/25/2019 c12 LegendarySanz
The fact that this story actually has a good plot and is absolutely FILLED to the brim with references and memes makes me very happy
The fact that this story actually has a good plot and is absolutely FILLED to the brim with references and memes makes me very happy
8/24/2019 c12
4Shock The System
Best chapter of this story so far. Also the egg bit, did you do it based off the Scottish Female Trainer from Sword and Shield in the JoJo Pokémon parody. Cause if you did, then I applaud you.

Best chapter of this story so far. Also the egg bit, did you do it based off the Scottish Female Trainer from Sword and Shield in the JoJo Pokémon parody. Cause if you did, then I applaud you.
8/24/2019 c12 Guest
F mega for best orange he will be missed
F mega for best orange he will be missed
8/24/2019 c12
Hm pretty good..*izukus stand started beating the shit out of shoto* OH GOD, OH LORD, OH MY FUCKING GOD!

Hm pretty good..*izukus stand started beating the shit out of shoto* OH GOD, OH LORD, OH MY FUCKING GOD!
8/7/2019 c11 Zukafew119
I love how you start the chapter with the author announcement that the reason why it was 3.5 weeks between chapter 10 and 11 was because you got distracted by Mindcraft game. I do love how Camie is handing Trish her ass handed to her. I do like the back and forth between Deku and Kira, they can be really funny. I do like what Deku’s new ability is called “You’re gonna regret making me do this.” I do like how Grand Torino asks Deku to come up with a shorter name to his new move.
I am glad you have continued Katsuki’s redemption arc and plain on making it a important part of the story. I do love how Ibara is able to read Kat so well she does not even need to be looking at him to know that he is thinking in response to some thing she said to him. I do like how Kat realizes that he needs to change how you say things in his head that sound perverted when he is not thinking about something sexually. I do find it interesting that Kat is a real asshole and cruel but he hates people that sexually harass women. I do like how Ibara has first step for Kat to redeem himself in the eyes of his peers at UA is for him help Mineta be able to apologies to the girls in his class for his unwanted sexual touching and looks at them. It is interesting to see a MHA fanfiction story that Kat and Mineta are become friends, in fact this is first on I have read them becoming friends in reading over 70 MHA fanfiction stories.
Crazy way Deku forces himself to learn how to create web like material to swing around like Spider Man by jumping off a building. At least he was smart enough to have a safety measures ready incase what he was trying to do did not work. I do like now Deku agrees with Toshinori that Grand Torino is a hell spawn when it comes to training. Keep up the great work MOTHERFU, till next time!
I love how you start the chapter with the author announcement that the reason why it was 3.5 weeks between chapter 10 and 11 was because you got distracted by Mindcraft game. I do love how Camie is handing Trish her ass handed to her. I do like the back and forth between Deku and Kira, they can be really funny. I do like what Deku’s new ability is called “You’re gonna regret making me do this.” I do like how Grand Torino asks Deku to come up with a shorter name to his new move.
I am glad you have continued Katsuki’s redemption arc and plain on making it a important part of the story. I do love how Ibara is able to read Kat so well she does not even need to be looking at him to know that he is thinking in response to some thing she said to him. I do like how Kat realizes that he needs to change how you say things in his head that sound perverted when he is not thinking about something sexually. I do find it interesting that Kat is a real asshole and cruel but he hates people that sexually harass women. I do like how Ibara has first step for Kat to redeem himself in the eyes of his peers at UA is for him help Mineta be able to apologies to the girls in his class for his unwanted sexual touching and looks at them. It is interesting to see a MHA fanfiction story that Kat and Mineta are become friends, in fact this is first on I have read them becoming friends in reading over 70 MHA fanfiction stories.
Crazy way Deku forces himself to learn how to create web like material to swing around like Spider Man by jumping off a building. At least he was smart enough to have a safety measures ready incase what he was trying to do did not work. I do like now Deku agrees with Toshinori that Grand Torino is a hell spawn when it comes to training. Keep up the great work MOTHERFU, till next time!
8/6/2019 c10 Zukafew119
Way to go Camie, Deku is being a true friend to you and how do you repay him? By without thinking wake up, upper cutting him in the head and knock him out. I do like that Mora’s main weakness are lice and getting wet. I do find it hilarious that one of Riku’s weaknesses is romantic fanfictions including her classmates. I do love the scene where Deku, Trish and Camie are arguing over the PA system.
I do love how Murry was able to force Camie to admit to herself that she is at least to some degree romantically attracted to Deku and how Murry said: “I’ll be taking my metaphorical winnings, thank you very much.” I am glad you showed us when Camie and Deku met for the first time and became friends. Interesting twist in having Camie’s mom being from Germany, it help explains why Camie has a European name and more back story to her. I love how Camie comes up with a nick name for Seiji that’s catchy that causes Murry and Nagamasa to also use it.
I do love how even general education students at UA can make fun of Katsuki and he can’t do any thing because if he does he will be expelled. I do have to say I did not see Ibara Shiozaki became an important person to this story. I do like how you are planning on doing a Kat redemption arc in this story and having Ibara being the person that helps him change his ways. I do like how Ibara in your story is very good at reading people and is able to get Kat to listen to her even if its grudgingly. I do like how Ibara came to Kat at just the right time when he would be most willing to listen to her. This is only possible to do actions Kat has taken in this story can not do any violent actions and has become a social pariah with no one wanting to associate with him. So when some is truly being nice to him and believes that he can change into being a better person.
I love how Ibara tricks Kat into joining the Botany Club. It will be interesting to see Ibara being friends with Kat and being the person that helps him to be a better person. It would be interest to see Kat eventually be reformed and also become a Christian like Ibara.
I do like how Lucifer the TV show was referenced in the chapter but at the same time it does have relevance to what Ibara was trying to get across to Kat. Why, because in the TV Show (Spoilers) God is trying indirectly change his ways and become a better person because God still loves Lucifer. I am glad you’re making Ibara a important secondary character, since there are so few MHA fanfiction stories that have her in a important role. Perfect example of this is that she is only tagged in 19 stories compared to say Asui who has 272.
I do love the omake that if Deku was not able to get expelled from UA and was in the Calvary part of the UA Sports Festival. I do like how Deku’s threat/promise against all other teams, how its technically not against the rules and was allowed. I do like how Ochako says Deku can be a real asshole but has a soft side. I like how Deku made his threat of maiming people in other teams was because he did not get expelled and how Tokoyami understands why Deku did it. I REALLY hope you continue this omake every so often the what if Deku did not get expelled from UA. Keep up the great work MOTHERFU, till next time!
Way to go Camie, Deku is being a true friend to you and how do you repay him? By without thinking wake up, upper cutting him in the head and knock him out. I do like that Mora’s main weakness are lice and getting wet. I do find it hilarious that one of Riku’s weaknesses is romantic fanfictions including her classmates. I do love the scene where Deku, Trish and Camie are arguing over the PA system.
I do love how Murry was able to force Camie to admit to herself that she is at least to some degree romantically attracted to Deku and how Murry said: “I’ll be taking my metaphorical winnings, thank you very much.” I am glad you showed us when Camie and Deku met for the first time and became friends. Interesting twist in having Camie’s mom being from Germany, it help explains why Camie has a European name and more back story to her. I love how Camie comes up with a nick name for Seiji that’s catchy that causes Murry and Nagamasa to also use it.
I do love how even general education students at UA can make fun of Katsuki and he can’t do any thing because if he does he will be expelled. I do have to say I did not see Ibara Shiozaki became an important person to this story. I do like how you are planning on doing a Kat redemption arc in this story and having Ibara being the person that helps him change his ways. I do like how Ibara in your story is very good at reading people and is able to get Kat to listen to her even if its grudgingly. I do like how Ibara came to Kat at just the right time when he would be most willing to listen to her. This is only possible to do actions Kat has taken in this story can not do any violent actions and has become a social pariah with no one wanting to associate with him. So when some is truly being nice to him and believes that he can change into being a better person.
I love how Ibara tricks Kat into joining the Botany Club. It will be interesting to see Ibara being friends with Kat and being the person that helps him to be a better person. It would be interest to see Kat eventually be reformed and also become a Christian like Ibara.
I do like how Lucifer the TV show was referenced in the chapter but at the same time it does have relevance to what Ibara was trying to get across to Kat. Why, because in the TV Show (Spoilers) God is trying indirectly change his ways and become a better person because God still loves Lucifer. I am glad you’re making Ibara a important secondary character, since there are so few MHA fanfiction stories that have her in a important role. Perfect example of this is that she is only tagged in 19 stories compared to say Asui who has 272.
I do love the omake that if Deku was not able to get expelled from UA and was in the Calvary part of the UA Sports Festival. I do like how Deku’s threat/promise against all other teams, how its technically not against the rules and was allowed. I do like how Ochako says Deku can be a real asshole but has a soft side. I like how Deku made his threat of maiming people in other teams was because he did not get expelled and how Tokoyami understands why Deku did it. I REALLY hope you continue this omake every so often the what if Deku did not get expelled from UA. Keep up the great work MOTHERFU, till next time!