5/11/2019 c3 Phantom Gaint
I love the your seting up the other academy for the person and skills not just Quirk IE Bakugo cough cough.
I love the your seting up the other academy for the person and skills not just Quirk IE Bakugo cough cough.
4/23/2019 c5 Zukafew119
Tenya in this story does seem to be way more dense than normal in that he has harder time than in canon sensing people’s emotions. I find it funny that Deku saying “so at least the entire class is not full of assholes,” when he has directly or indirectly been a jerk to most of his fellow students. So him mostly acting like a jerk, its no surprise that most of them are not going to be friendly with him.
I do like how you have Deku’s dad being around for him unlike canon and over 90% of MHA fanfiction stories. Interesting idea by having nanomachines injected into him, when combine with how his quirk works with objects that size it makes smart and versatile combo. I do like the nice little detail of all 3 children of Hisashi Midoriya gained a limited amount of fire resistance.
It seems like your All Might unlike canon does have super hearing being able to hear all the questions ask at him at once and the responded to all of them. I do like how Deku and Ochako get inside the building by climbing the outside of the building to bypass the first 2 floors. I do like when Deku is mocking Kat during the early part of the match similar to how Camie would.
I cannot believe Kat would be so stupid to admit to violently attacking civilians with his quirk when people have com links that are on, which are transmitting what they hear into the CIC area where All Might and other students are watching and listening to the battle. I like how you say Deku is 100% pissed, 20% OFA and 0% mercy or Kat. Interesting how Deku can some how store enough nanites in his body to create webbing to wrapping up Kat. Interesting offensive use if Deku’s quirk by turning up Kat’s pain receptors sensitivity up so every injury is way more painful. Also surprised Deku can use his power to ripe out several teeth from Kat’s mouth. I do like that Kat gets the through and brutal ass kicking he gets from Deku.
Kat is so stupid that he admits more of what he did to Camie and Fubuki and says he wishes he did more to them. I do like how mainly of Deku’s fellow students not only understand why he’s being so violent but also support him do what he is doing to Kat. I do like how Deku’s older sister doesn’t take shit from anyone wither its Mineta, All Might or the Director. I do like how Deku negotiates with the director for the best terms for him. I can’t wait to see how Kat deals with the entire UA school system seeing him as a person that has done so extremely vile attacks on innocent people.
I do find it strange that he is an asshole to just about every other student in class 1a except Ochako. After all most of them partly dislike him is entirely his own fault since he keeps on indirectly or directly insulting them. Most of them would be nice to him if he would stop being an asshole to them, since most students in Class 1a are nice and decent people. I really do hope by the time Deku’s time at UA is over, he will leave on decent to good terms with most of his fellow UA classmates.
Interesting twist in having the original wielder of OFA makes appearance and is so very willing to kill extremely dangerous villains. I do agree with brother of All For One, that All Might should have killed AFO. When you a have a villain like AFO that is super lethal person that has no remorse for killing or maiming people and if given the chance to do it again they will. Then there is only one option if you get the chance to elimated them for good you take it. I believe that in canon when AFO is captured instead of being killed, that later in the series All Might will regret it because I will not be surprised if some how he will be free by the League of Villains. But I totally disagree with him with Deku’s battle with Kat, if Deku killed Kat their it would not have been a justifiable killing and would have been murder. Epically when Kat admitted/gloated to doing the crime of attacking Camie and Fubuki with his quirk and got beaten senseless by Deku. I have a question: what is a empathy link? It’s mentioned by Deku’s older sister after Deku crushes Kat in the hero’s vs villains battle. I do wonder when Deku will decide to release the video black mail he has on Kat? Keep up the Great work MOTHERFU, till next time!
Tenya in this story does seem to be way more dense than normal in that he has harder time than in canon sensing people’s emotions. I find it funny that Deku saying “so at least the entire class is not full of assholes,” when he has directly or indirectly been a jerk to most of his fellow students. So him mostly acting like a jerk, its no surprise that most of them are not going to be friendly with him.
I do like how you have Deku’s dad being around for him unlike canon and over 90% of MHA fanfiction stories. Interesting idea by having nanomachines injected into him, when combine with how his quirk works with objects that size it makes smart and versatile combo. I do like the nice little detail of all 3 children of Hisashi Midoriya gained a limited amount of fire resistance.
It seems like your All Might unlike canon does have super hearing being able to hear all the questions ask at him at once and the responded to all of them. I do like how Deku and Ochako get inside the building by climbing the outside of the building to bypass the first 2 floors. I do like when Deku is mocking Kat during the early part of the match similar to how Camie would.
I cannot believe Kat would be so stupid to admit to violently attacking civilians with his quirk when people have com links that are on, which are transmitting what they hear into the CIC area where All Might and other students are watching and listening to the battle. I like how you say Deku is 100% pissed, 20% OFA and 0% mercy or Kat. Interesting how Deku can some how store enough nanites in his body to create webbing to wrapping up Kat. Interesting offensive use if Deku’s quirk by turning up Kat’s pain receptors sensitivity up so every injury is way more painful. Also surprised Deku can use his power to ripe out several teeth from Kat’s mouth. I do like that Kat gets the through and brutal ass kicking he gets from Deku.
Kat is so stupid that he admits more of what he did to Camie and Fubuki and says he wishes he did more to them. I do like how mainly of Deku’s fellow students not only understand why he’s being so violent but also support him do what he is doing to Kat. I do like how Deku’s older sister doesn’t take shit from anyone wither its Mineta, All Might or the Director. I do like how Deku negotiates with the director for the best terms for him. I can’t wait to see how Kat deals with the entire UA school system seeing him as a person that has done so extremely vile attacks on innocent people.
I do find it strange that he is an asshole to just about every other student in class 1a except Ochako. After all most of them partly dislike him is entirely his own fault since he keeps on indirectly or directly insulting them. Most of them would be nice to him if he would stop being an asshole to them, since most students in Class 1a are nice and decent people. I really do hope by the time Deku’s time at UA is over, he will leave on decent to good terms with most of his fellow UA classmates.
Interesting twist in having the original wielder of OFA makes appearance and is so very willing to kill extremely dangerous villains. I do agree with brother of All For One, that All Might should have killed AFO. When you a have a villain like AFO that is super lethal person that has no remorse for killing or maiming people and if given the chance to do it again they will. Then there is only one option if you get the chance to elimated them for good you take it. I believe that in canon when AFO is captured instead of being killed, that later in the series All Might will regret it because I will not be surprised if some how he will be free by the League of Villains. But I totally disagree with him with Deku’s battle with Kat, if Deku killed Kat their it would not have been a justifiable killing and would have been murder. Epically when Kat admitted/gloated to doing the crime of attacking Camie and Fubuki with his quirk and got beaten senseless by Deku. I have a question: what is a empathy link? It’s mentioned by Deku’s older sister after Deku crushes Kat in the hero’s vs villains battle. I do wonder when Deku will decide to release the video black mail he has on Kat? Keep up the Great work MOTHERFU, till next time!
4/20/2019 c4 Zukafew119
I love how Camie can be so hilarious like how she call’s Katsuki’s mom a MILF and she’d would be willing to be bisexual for her. I do like how you also have sometimes Camie’s jokes fall flat and she knows it. It’s a nice way to add more depth to her character. You do a great job on the banter between Camie and the Midoriya family. I like how Deku’s father yells at his oldest daughter for using her quirk messing the room up and Camie for her illusions making the room look like it’s a winter wonderland.
It’s sad that Deku has mixed feelings when coming to Ochako, because his actions in saving her and destroying the 0 pointer ended up forcing him to go to UA but is happy she made it into UA. I do like the Director did have brains in that telling Eraser Head he can’t expel Deku for any reason. I do like how Deku decides since he can’t be expelled to get the lowest scores in physical testing exam, that way no one can get expelled. I do like even though he’s being a mostly a ass to people he does say that most of his fellow students except Kat are cool. I do say that Deku it is totally being a A hole what he does to Mr. Aizawa by throwing the ball at him with 5% power from OFA.
Jesus! You went really dark with Katuski going total 150% villain there! What he does to Camie and young child Fubuki. Interesting twist having Toshinori also being screwed over by the Director of UA when he was a teenager. Question: is the current Director the same person the screwed over All Might when he was young or is he a different person? I do like how you have Toshinori create a cover hero identity that he uses so that people who know him for being a fellow student at UA don’t put together that he is All Might. I do like how his mom is totally supportive of him trying to get expelled from UA.
I love how Camie can be so hilarious like how she call’s Katsuki’s mom a MILF and she’d would be willing to be bisexual for her. I do like how you also have sometimes Camie’s jokes fall flat and she knows it. It’s a nice way to add more depth to her character. You do a great job on the banter between Camie and the Midoriya family. I like how Deku’s father yells at his oldest daughter for using her quirk messing the room up and Camie for her illusions making the room look like it’s a winter wonderland.
It’s sad that Deku has mixed feelings when coming to Ochako, because his actions in saving her and destroying the 0 pointer ended up forcing him to go to UA but is happy she made it into UA. I do like the Director did have brains in that telling Eraser Head he can’t expel Deku for any reason. I do like how Deku decides since he can’t be expelled to get the lowest scores in physical testing exam, that way no one can get expelled. I do like even though he’s being a mostly a ass to people he does say that most of his fellow students except Kat are cool. I do say that Deku it is totally being a A hole what he does to Mr. Aizawa by throwing the ball at him with 5% power from OFA.
Jesus! You went really dark with Katuski going total 150% villain there! What he does to Camie and young child Fubuki. Interesting twist having Toshinori also being screwed over by the Director of UA when he was a teenager. Question: is the current Director the same person the screwed over All Might when he was young or is he a different person? I do like how you have Toshinori create a cover hero identity that he uses so that people who know him for being a fellow student at UA don’t put together that he is All Might. I do like how his mom is totally supportive of him trying to get expelled from UA.
4/20/2019 c5 Guest
what a very wholesome lovable chapter amiright
what a very wholesome lovable chapter amiright
4/18/2019 c3 Zukafew119
Great way you started the chapter with Deku sparing with Camie and the banter between the two is hilarious. I do like that the 2 fighting styles that Camie knows Deku dislikes but is not going to be picky since he’s learning them for free. I do like how you have Camie foreshadowing something bad that is going to happen later in the chapter. I do like how Deku tries to basically tell Camie in a round about way who is training him and why. It’s hilarious that you have Camie unwittingly saying that All Might could be a pedophile and Deku’s reaction to it.
I do like that you despite all the changes you have done that Deku and Ochako basically meet the same way as in canon. It’s hilarious how you have Deku turn the tables Tenya where Present Mic was giving them the information needed for the UA Practical part of the Entrance Exam. I have never seen so many people get piss off at Deku during the enterence exam in any MHA fanfiction, it was interestingly different to say the least.
You did a great job in world building in making Shikestu’s hero course entrance exam and designing it so people with all types can have an equal change to get in whether their quirk is raw power like Shoto or trickery like Camie. I like how in front of the judges she’s got all the confidence but outside of the room after words she’s all stressed out. Do this does give her character more depth and more interesting. I do like the twist that judges added to the fighting test is that they say you cannot use your quirk in the fight but in reality you can use it but only if you use it smartly and good intentions behind it.I do like how Deku also got combat training from his mom Inko. It’s so strange that Inko being such a badass but at the same time I like it and it’s something that is almost never done in MHA fanfictions.
I love how you start the final part of the chapter with Deku and Camie playing with Fubuki imaginary fantasy. Which Camie with her quirk being illusions can make it so much more fun. I think the main reasoning behind the Director of UA being able to force Izuku is mainly based on damages done by Duku. Deku destroyed the 0 pointer that probably costs easily millions of US dollars to make, maintain and was not suppose to be destroyed. Deku is able to in canon and almost all MHA fanfictions able to avoid getting in trouble for this because he is trying to get into UA. And with power like that, the Director (or who ever runs it in canon) is hoping in the long run be able to recoup the loss by helping Deku become a pro hero. The problem this Deku is he’s not planning on attending UA and was just using this as a perpetration for getting into Shikestu. I can see why unlike normally a school can not force someone to attend it but normally a potential student does not destroy something worth millions of dollars. So in the end I am not bothered by this being done. I know your going to get him attend UA just to have him intentionally expelled from it so he can go to Shikestu with Camie but there way’s for it to still work at UA. The first is make it have Deku in class 1B, so he and Katsuki are in different classes which only occasionally interact with each other so it should be OK. Also have Deku make a condition of him staying at UA and not trying to get expelled, have Camie be able to join UA in his class without taking the entrance exam (but only in Camie is willing to do this). Keep up the Great work MOTHERFU, till next time!
Great way you started the chapter with Deku sparing with Camie and the banter between the two is hilarious. I do like that the 2 fighting styles that Camie knows Deku dislikes but is not going to be picky since he’s learning them for free. I do like how you have Camie foreshadowing something bad that is going to happen later in the chapter. I do like how Deku tries to basically tell Camie in a round about way who is training him and why. It’s hilarious that you have Camie unwittingly saying that All Might could be a pedophile and Deku’s reaction to it.
I do like that you despite all the changes you have done that Deku and Ochako basically meet the same way as in canon. It’s hilarious how you have Deku turn the tables Tenya where Present Mic was giving them the information needed for the UA Practical part of the Entrance Exam. I have never seen so many people get piss off at Deku during the enterence exam in any MHA fanfiction, it was interestingly different to say the least.
You did a great job in world building in making Shikestu’s hero course entrance exam and designing it so people with all types can have an equal change to get in whether their quirk is raw power like Shoto or trickery like Camie. I like how in front of the judges she’s got all the confidence but outside of the room after words she’s all stressed out. Do this does give her character more depth and more interesting. I do like the twist that judges added to the fighting test is that they say you cannot use your quirk in the fight but in reality you can use it but only if you use it smartly and good intentions behind it.I do like how Deku also got combat training from his mom Inko. It’s so strange that Inko being such a badass but at the same time I like it and it’s something that is almost never done in MHA fanfictions.
I love how you start the final part of the chapter with Deku and Camie playing with Fubuki imaginary fantasy. Which Camie with her quirk being illusions can make it so much more fun. I think the main reasoning behind the Director of UA being able to force Izuku is mainly based on damages done by Duku. Deku destroyed the 0 pointer that probably costs easily millions of US dollars to make, maintain and was not suppose to be destroyed. Deku is able to in canon and almost all MHA fanfictions able to avoid getting in trouble for this because he is trying to get into UA. And with power like that, the Director (or who ever runs it in canon) is hoping in the long run be able to recoup the loss by helping Deku become a pro hero. The problem this Deku is he’s not planning on attending UA and was just using this as a perpetration for getting into Shikestu. I can see why unlike normally a school can not force someone to attend it but normally a potential student does not destroy something worth millions of dollars. So in the end I am not bothered by this being done. I know your going to get him attend UA just to have him intentionally expelled from it so he can go to Shikestu with Camie but there way’s for it to still work at UA. The first is make it have Deku in class 1B, so he and Katsuki are in different classes which only occasionally interact with each other so it should be OK. Also have Deku make a condition of him staying at UA and not trying to get expelled, have Camie be able to join UA in his class without taking the entrance exam (but only in Camie is willing to do this). Keep up the Great work MOTHERFU, till next time!
4/18/2019 c4 Guest
this is some serious crack shit
this is some serious crack shit
4/17/2019 c4 CrimsonWanderer
Damn! Knew Bakugou would eventually blow a fuse and get physically violent with civilians, but attacking a child now that is taking way too far even by villains' standards... if they have standards at all cause it easy to attack a child, but its difficult to illegally obtain money without heroes interfering or fighting heroes in general. Thinking about the mindset of villains, they would be mocking the guy who attack children under pretense he's a weakling who could only attack people who is consider weaker than him. Insane villains like Muscular might think lower of Bakugou considering Muscular does things because he can and just wanted to, but what Bakugou did was just out of anger. Stain might consider him even worser than Tenya when he's out to avenge his big brother, so he definitely target Bakugou for immediate elimination before he could harm anyone else and consider him a rotten apple created by ideals of fake heroes. Vigilantes... I gonna say they might to bring him down as well.
Can't wait to see how Bakugou going to get a target on his back from practically everyone
Damn! Knew Bakugou would eventually blow a fuse and get physically violent with civilians, but attacking a child now that is taking way too far even by villains' standards... if they have standards at all cause it easy to attack a child, but its difficult to illegally obtain money without heroes interfering or fighting heroes in general. Thinking about the mindset of villains, they would be mocking the guy who attack children under pretense he's a weakling who could only attack people who is consider weaker than him. Insane villains like Muscular might think lower of Bakugou considering Muscular does things because he can and just wanted to, but what Bakugou did was just out of anger. Stain might consider him even worser than Tenya when he's out to avenge his big brother, so he definitely target Bakugou for immediate elimination before he could harm anyone else and consider him a rotten apple created by ideals of fake heroes. Vigilantes... I gonna say they might to bring him down as well.
Can't wait to see how Bakugou going to get a target on his back from practically everyone
4/17/2019 c4 GreenTea
I can see the reasoning behind the Directors mandate. In order to *produce* the best Heroes, you need the best candidates. Since UA is the prestigious Hero school, they need to promote themselves as the ones to teach the top Heroes, in order to keep the funding coming in for the school. It always comes back to Money.
As for Izuku, discovering the perpetrator that harmed his little sister, it would be awesome if it happened during their first Hero course with All-Might, when he notices similarities to the injuries he gets compared to the injuries Fubuki has. And F's Bakago up; possibly resulting in his expulsion, from UA. But also leads to investigating Bakago, relating him to the Vicious attack on a child, illegally using a dangerous Quirk in said attack, leading to his arrest, and imprisonment for many years.
To be honest, Bakago could be charged with Assault, Assault with a deadly weapon, Domestic-Terrorism, {(Illegal Quirk Usage) this is specific to the BNHA universe}, and fleeing a crime scene where medical intervention was required. There are probably more charges that could be made, but I am not proficient with all of the various laws from around the world, so...
ON A LIGHTER NOTE. Excellent Story. I do hope it all works out for Izuku in the end.
Thank you for your story.
I can see the reasoning behind the Directors mandate. In order to *produce* the best Heroes, you need the best candidates. Since UA is the prestigious Hero school, they need to promote themselves as the ones to teach the top Heroes, in order to keep the funding coming in for the school. It always comes back to Money.
As for Izuku, discovering the perpetrator that harmed his little sister, it would be awesome if it happened during their first Hero course with All-Might, when he notices similarities to the injuries he gets compared to the injuries Fubuki has. And F's Bakago up; possibly resulting in his expulsion, from UA. But also leads to investigating Bakago, relating him to the Vicious attack on a child, illegally using a dangerous Quirk in said attack, leading to his arrest, and imprisonment for many years.
To be honest, Bakago could be charged with Assault, Assault with a deadly weapon, Domestic-Terrorism, {(Illegal Quirk Usage) this is specific to the BNHA universe}, and fleeing a crime scene where medical intervention was required. There are probably more charges that could be made, but I am not proficient with all of the various laws from around the world, so...
ON A LIGHTER NOTE. Excellent Story. I do hope it all works out for Izuku in the end.
Thank you for your story.
4/17/2019 c4
i have a easy way for him to get expellex. he enter Nedzu office and start peeing on the wall while giving the finger to the mouse...

i have a easy way for him to get expellex. he enter Nedzu office and start peeing on the wall while giving the finger to the mouse...
4/7/2019 c3 tiguylerobot
can u explain us HOW a school can OBLIGE someone to go here. i mean if i said no it's no i won't go to your shitty school, how you would force me?
can u explain us HOW a school can OBLIGE someone to go here. i mean if i said no it's no i won't go to your shitty school, how you would force me?
4/4/2019 c2 Zukafew119
It hilarious that Deku’s chat with All Might is interrupted by his older sister calling him to get how ASAP. I have to say the most unique thing of this story is that Deku has a full and large family, is dad is part of his life and he has 2 siblings. It’s interesting and strange that Inko is a WWE pro wrestler and at world class level. I really like how well you did the banter between Deku and his 2 siblings, like have them squabble over who has to answer the door bell and how they resolve it.
I love that Camie lives in the same apartment building as the Midoriya’s and is Deku’s best friend and only friend. I find Camie’s nick name for Deku is hilarious and totally can see her calling Izuku, Izubro. I love how doing Deku’s into description, he has as a weakness to puppy dog eyes face. I do find the screen names both for Deku and Mitsuki hilarious. I do like how Camie wants for Deku to stand up against Katsuki. Interesting foreshadowing with how when ever Camie sleeps in the Midoriya’s home, she ends up intentionally in the same bed as Deku. To me it’s most likely a sign that she has romantic feeling for him but knows he’s not ready for them to go from friends to some thing more. I like the little detail of how Camie sleep-quirking, causing her to subconsciously create illusions in the real world from her dreams. I do like how Deku’s dad is proud with Izuku sleeping in the same bed with a girl that is not related with him but his mom is not fine with it.
I do like how Deku wants to call the slime villain Shitman since he looks smells and tastes like shit. I love how snarky Deku is in this story, why more than in canon and most MHA fanfictions. Interesting twist of having Inko being at UA around the same time as All Might. So with Deku getting One for All a month earlier than in canon he will be more powerful than in canon at the UA entrance exam. I do like how All Might wants Deku to do the UA entrance exam not so much to get into UA but as a practice run for having OFA and getting into Skiketsu. I do like how Deku is able to infuse his 1st power with OFA in which doing so doubles the range of it.
I can see you’re almost certainly planning on having Deku and Camie eventually being romantically paired up. I do hope those two end up together romantically for the long run, since she is positive influence on him being some one that cares deeply about him and does her best to lift his spirits up. Also there are barley any Deku/Camie pairings on MHA fanfictions and all of them are short stories or at least at the moment. I do really hope you do continue this great and funny story and with 2 other MHA fanfictions with over 60,000 words it’s a realistic hope that you do continue this story. It will be interesting to see you take the much harder path of having Deku go to a school that is not UA. With having Deku going to Skiketsu High will require lots of world building since there is not much info on it. At the same time you seem to be good at world building with your other MHA story Funny Matter which is 20 chapters long and over 60,000 words long. Also take your time with this story, its better there are long stretches between chapters and keeping to the high level of story telling you have here than more often chapters but at a lower story quality. I eagerly but patiently waiting for the next chapter of this story. Keep up the Awesome work MOTHERFU, till next time!
It hilarious that Deku’s chat with All Might is interrupted by his older sister calling him to get how ASAP. I have to say the most unique thing of this story is that Deku has a full and large family, is dad is part of his life and he has 2 siblings. It’s interesting and strange that Inko is a WWE pro wrestler and at world class level. I really like how well you did the banter between Deku and his 2 siblings, like have them squabble over who has to answer the door bell and how they resolve it.
I love that Camie lives in the same apartment building as the Midoriya’s and is Deku’s best friend and only friend. I find Camie’s nick name for Deku is hilarious and totally can see her calling Izuku, Izubro. I love how doing Deku’s into description, he has as a weakness to puppy dog eyes face. I do find the screen names both for Deku and Mitsuki hilarious. I do like how Camie wants for Deku to stand up against Katsuki. Interesting foreshadowing with how when ever Camie sleeps in the Midoriya’s home, she ends up intentionally in the same bed as Deku. To me it’s most likely a sign that she has romantic feeling for him but knows he’s not ready for them to go from friends to some thing more. I like the little detail of how Camie sleep-quirking, causing her to subconsciously create illusions in the real world from her dreams. I do like how Deku’s dad is proud with Izuku sleeping in the same bed with a girl that is not related with him but his mom is not fine with it.
I do like how Deku wants to call the slime villain Shitman since he looks smells and tastes like shit. I love how snarky Deku is in this story, why more than in canon and most MHA fanfictions. Interesting twist of having Inko being at UA around the same time as All Might. So with Deku getting One for All a month earlier than in canon he will be more powerful than in canon at the UA entrance exam. I do like how All Might wants Deku to do the UA entrance exam not so much to get into UA but as a practice run for having OFA and getting into Skiketsu. I do like how Deku is able to infuse his 1st power with OFA in which doing so doubles the range of it.
I can see you’re almost certainly planning on having Deku and Camie eventually being romantically paired up. I do hope those two end up together romantically for the long run, since she is positive influence on him being some one that cares deeply about him and does her best to lift his spirits up. Also there are barley any Deku/Camie pairings on MHA fanfictions and all of them are short stories or at least at the moment. I do really hope you do continue this great and funny story and with 2 other MHA fanfictions with over 60,000 words it’s a realistic hope that you do continue this story. It will be interesting to see you take the much harder path of having Deku go to a school that is not UA. With having Deku going to Skiketsu High will require lots of world building since there is not much info on it. At the same time you seem to be good at world building with your other MHA story Funny Matter which is 20 chapters long and over 60,000 words long. Also take your time with this story, its better there are long stretches between chapters and keeping to the high level of story telling you have here than more often chapters but at a lower story quality. I eagerly but patiently waiting for the next chapter of this story. Keep up the Awesome work MOTHERFU, till next time!
4/3/2019 c1 Zukafew119
Great way to start your story MOTHERFU, having Deku confident in himself and video records Katsuki bulling and telling Deku he should commit suicide. I do like how is not planning on releasing the video now except to Kat’s mom Mitsuki. I do like how he has stopped trying to argue with Kat because he is so unreasonable. I do like how some in Kat’s posse are far more reasonable and decent in that one guy thought Kat had gone to far by say to Deku, he should commit suicide.
I do like the way while in deku’s POV how he responds to hero’s spoken reasons why they are not trying to save Kat from slime villain. I do like how Deku’s power in many was is weak but in certain times can be very useful like: temporary turning of pain nerve receptors so he can act when he needs to without being affected by pain and forcing slime villains to partly release his hostage. I do have to say you made your Kat way crazier than canon version in that he tries to attack Deku shortly after he saves him but is stopped by All Might. Interesting twist of All Might hearing Kat told Deku to kill himself. Its sad to see Deku will not be going to UA, instead going to Skiketsu but I understand why in this story Deku does not want to be any where near Kat. I do like how Deku is smart enough to know you can’t save everyone and how most villains are people who needed someone to help them put but no one did or was able to. I do like how All Might still will have Deku as his heir even if he does not go to UA and will help him get into the hero school of his choice. I do have one question: why did you choose a author name that sounds like your cussing out someone? Keep up the great work MOTHERFU, till next time!
Great way to start your story MOTHERFU, having Deku confident in himself and video records Katsuki bulling and telling Deku he should commit suicide. I do like how is not planning on releasing the video now except to Kat’s mom Mitsuki. I do like how he has stopped trying to argue with Kat because he is so unreasonable. I do like how some in Kat’s posse are far more reasonable and decent in that one guy thought Kat had gone to far by say to Deku, he should commit suicide.
I do like the way while in deku’s POV how he responds to hero’s spoken reasons why they are not trying to save Kat from slime villain. I do like how Deku’s power in many was is weak but in certain times can be very useful like: temporary turning of pain nerve receptors so he can act when he needs to without being affected by pain and forcing slime villains to partly release his hostage. I do have to say you made your Kat way crazier than canon version in that he tries to attack Deku shortly after he saves him but is stopped by All Might. Interesting twist of All Might hearing Kat told Deku to kill himself. Its sad to see Deku will not be going to UA, instead going to Skiketsu but I understand why in this story Deku does not want to be any where near Kat. I do like how Deku is smart enough to know you can’t save everyone and how most villains are people who needed someone to help them put but no one did or was able to. I do like how All Might still will have Deku as his heir even if he does not go to UA and will help him get into the hero school of his choice. I do have one question: why did you choose a author name that sounds like your cussing out someone? Keep up the great work MOTHERFU, till next time!