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for Trip Down a Hill

10/7/2021 c12 4Lord Vaserious
Things are progressing very well
10/7/2021 c11 Lord Vaserious
This is excellent! Poor Haku .
10/6/2021 c10 Lord Vaserious
Excellent chapter. It’s good to see Naruto let his anger out
10/6/2021 c9 Lord Vaserious
Fuck Danzo. I wonder what Jiraiya has planned
10/6/2021 c8 Lord Vaserious
I love this ending to the wave arc! Everybody lives!
10/6/2021 c7 Lord Vaserious
Excellent Sasuke has the sharringan. Also enter crazy uncle Kurama
10/6/2021 c6 Lord Vaserious
Horrsy for Sasuke healing
10/6/2021 c5 Lord Vaserious
Excellent work! Loving every sentence
10/6/2021 c4 Lord Vaserious
I love this! It’s hilarious, it has heart and it has respect for the characters
10/6/2021 c3 Lord Vaserious
Excellent job with the characterisations! Superb chapter
10/5/2021 c2 Lord Vaserious
Excellent chapter really gives an honest understanding of the characters
9/23/2021 c100 3Writing dreams into stories
I- Woah, i love this story. This ending, I kinda want to read it again. Reading this story was a rush where i I didn't evem realize it before I went: woah, I'm at the end. Setiously loved it.
9/14/2021 c100 TheSleepingSpirit
End review (new readers, don’t read this but just know. This story is extraordinary.)

I honestly just want to say. Thank you big time. I have read many completed Naruto fanfics. Honestly I’m worried I’ve read the majority of them since around 2006.

I’ve accumulated a few favourites that have stuck with me. Your story is truly #1. I don’t think I’d ever forget this. There isn’t words to describe it, except that as cheesy as it sounds. With Naruto being my all time fav anime. This story has touched my mind & heart.

From the story itself, the journey for each character. How every character’s contribution is still there & didn’t end up where only Naruto & Sasuke can only achieve things. From what you’ve done with Sakura. The pairings. I was even pleasantly happy with Naruto’s pairing with Tenten.

I loved every little development for each characters such as Haku, Zabuza, Kin, Dosu & Zaku. Even Kabuto! Man I loved that!

I could go on & on but I would just end up rambling.

Just a massive thank you for this story! Honestly there is no words for this. Extraordinary is an underrated word for this story!
8/14/2021 c32 Yung99Gawdly
The thought of Anko lecturing Jiraiya about stealth is hilarious to me
8/13/2021 c45 Guest
I’ll be honest, I was loving the story until Naruto and Sakura didn’t get promoted. You killed it for me then and there. I’m done with the story.
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