Just In
for Trip Down a Hill

7/5/2021 c100 3thtadthtshldntb
Thanks for the great story.

On your issue of your story having flaws, I think that it comes down to you remaining dedicated to writing an ensemble rather than being centered around 2 characters (Naruto has 2 main characters, Naruto and Sasuke, who drive the whole story). So when you hit the final arc you had a lot to do to write a ensemble outcome.

It was worth it in the end.

If you do not plan on returning to your AU take with a full story, it may be interesting to see how this world evolves in the future with some long term epilogues centered on certain characters.
7/5/2021 c100 kodakohl
Hi! I’be been reading since about chapter 10, and I have to say I absolutely loved every bit of this story. I was hooked from the beginning. I was wondering if you were going to write a sequel or at least a one-shot of like the Boruto era to give us a glimpse of the world in the future? Also is Shizune and Taunade together? I need to know!
7/5/2021 c100 4G3r1k
Wow. That’s it huh. I remember when I first found this and I’m so glad I did. I know I never really left long reviews. Usually a half baked sentence, but I really did enjoy this, it gave me something to look forward too during the low points of the year.
I enjoyed all of the characters progressions through the chapters, and I’m very glad you didn’t kill to many people off. Those stories tend to not be a fun read after a while. Anywho. I look forward to reading your next work. I’m always available as a sounding board if you wanna bounce some ideas around.
Stay safe.
7/4/2021 c100 2MaemiSmile

Thank you for your dedication in finishing this piece! It was a wonderful thing for me to look forward to each week!

I’m usually a bit of a canon-head, but I enjoyed the stray from the norm. It felt really organic. You did a fantastic job.

Take that well deserved break! I’ll keep an eye out for your next adventure ~
7/4/2021 c100 2papireaz
Thank you so much for this, honestly the ending was perfect and encapsulated the hilarity and silliness of this fic. I mean honestly, this is one of the funniest things I have read in a long time.

Everything about this was great, and while Only caught up during the last few chapters, it's an experience I'll never forget.

Thank you for writing this masterpiece!
7/4/2021 c100 7Pyrogaming
Beautiful ending to one of the greatest fics I’ve read since Yet Again With A Little Extra Help
7/4/2021 c100 arguably tepid coffee
You know, it's kind of absurd that this isn't the top story in this fandom. When watching the show, the importance of that hill, of the vast potential in that scene going any other way, was emphasized over and over again.

And yet, this is the only story I've seen that explores that one premise that's so deeply ingrained in the original work. Consequently, this story does such a good job of staying true to the canon balance of tones and focusing on the right things.

Sure, it's not a flawless story. The weakness thing in 99 was a little corny since it followed the same structure and seemed a bit too long to be said in the moment, though I'm glad it explores the culmination of all those character arcs. The pacing can be a little quick near the last arc, but I think it does something's borderline impossible in tackling a story of this scale with such depth, so it's only natural it can't take its time too much.

But fundamentally, this story does so many things right that the tiny, justifiable drawbacks don't hold a candle to the praise if deserves. It 'gets' the setting, it 'gets' the characters, and it uses both to their full potential to tell a complete and fitting story—one that doesn't go off the rails.

Great work. I hope to see more of your work in the future.
7/4/2021 c100 bukspwn737
Goddamit I'm both so happy and sad reading the ending! It was a great story and I'd really love if you could maybe give some future random one shots related to this timeline? I wish someone could put a genjutsu on me so that I'd forget this story and get to read it again! Thanks for an amazing read!
6/28/2021 c99 masteroftech02
I was like kinda annoyed about how weak Naruto felt in comparison to like Canon Naruto but the way you included the Sage explaining that he never had to actually reach for that power and acknowledging the fact that you made him so much weaker really helped settle it for me. This was a great chapter and I'm waiting for the next one.
6/27/2021 c99 11sburlisonmoffatt
Damn! This story has been one wild ride! Haha! Who knew that one little change could change so much! Amazing story! Can't wait to see your future stories. Your an amazing story creator.
6/27/2021 c99 4G3r1k
I like the weakness thing. It was a good final battle party speech. I wonder what story you will start next and I look forward to it.
6/21/2021 c98 1CheezMan
I have to say, as this story nears its end, that you have done a wonderful job creating a realistic scenario in which Naruto befriends Sasuke early. Whether it’s the ships, the action, or the characters, you have done a great job crafting this world and making it enjoyable to read. I have a few gripes, like powerscaling, no EMS, or Naruto not getting KCM, as I think it is a good way to wrap up his and Kurama’s relationship, (unless…?) but I still am extremely pleased with this story as a reader who followed you from the beginning. Thanks for giving me something to look forward to every week.
6/20/2021 c98 4G3r1k
Oh yeah. Final ish battle time. Got the team motivational words out. Got the set up finished and now the surprise appearance of an ally. They got this…probably.
6/20/2021 c98 2papireaz
Yooooooooooooooooooo what a god damn cliffhanger!

Obito fucking Uchiha saving the damned day!

Let’s freakin’ gooooooooo!
6/18/2021 c9 story absorber
aw Jesus this chapter was amazing their are other fanfiction that features zabuza and haku joining the leaf village but those are like "oh hey naruto brought you back so here are positions in our military" and its like super dumb and in yours you actually supplied the reasons why zabuza should become a leaf ninja
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