Just In
for Spinjitzu Master(?)

10/31/2020 c3 29OnlyLonelyStars
Oooh, this story is so clever! I love what you've done with it so far. Cole really doesn't trust them, huh? (Very in-character.) Rocky boi, slow down before you get hurt more. You're going to be injured permanently!
If you end up posting more updates, I'll read them diligently! This is a fun premise and I loved all the chapters up so far. Great job!
8/22/2019 c3 10RebelFanja
Ahh what's gonna happen next? I can't wait to find out!
8/18/2019 c1 RebelFanja
Oof poor Cole. He's such a good guy, even willing to protect Hunter children. Love the story so far!
8/7/2019 c3 25Silvermags
I'm so interested to see where you go with this. I have just, so many questions. What was up with the hunter tribe? Clearly they revere/respect spinjitsu, which is why they were so interested in Cole, but what do they want with him, specifically? Pins and needles here.
6/30/2019 c3 26Kifo Entiegon
This is awesome. I hope Cole finds the others soon.
6/29/2019 c3 11theravenranting
Very interesting! You're a talented writer and this is very creative! Can't wait for more. :)
6/20/2019 c3 15XxLea-nardoxX
oooooh I love this!
6/20/2019 c3 6Bookkeeper77
eeee! so excited!
5/20/2019 c2 Bookkeeper77
haha! yassss
5/17/2019 c1 JC
This is soo cool!
Thanks for sharing this chapter with us. I'm always glad to see some Cole-related stories :)
Can't wait to see how it progresses (should you decide to continue this)
5/18/2019 c2 Syren Nolbuluuki
Oooooh, that’s not gonna go well. Hope he finds the others soon!
4/7/2019 c1 Syren Nolbuluuki
Ooh! This is a super cool idea! Can’t wait to see what happens next!
4/3/2019 c1 11GameCubeGirl1
This is interesting! Well, any story that stars Cole is interesting to me xD ..I'm gonna be a stickler though and say that..I don't think Baron said "First" Spinjitzu Master? I'm pretty sure he just said "They know the ways of the Spinjitzu Master!" I may be wrong mind you..

But I do like how this is shaping up! I'll be keeping an eye out for more :D

4/3/2019 c1 6ardhoniel.InfinityGirl
Uh oh, Cole's alone. That's never good.
Can't wait for the next chapter! ~Ardhoniel
4/3/2019 c1 6Bookkeeper77

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