Just In
for A Letter from T'Pel

5/2/2019 c1 6TLWtlw
I enjoyed this epilogue very much. It shows he can still be close to his Alpha Quadrant family.
4/10/2019 c1 11Doc Yewll
Gosto muito dessa sua serie.
4/4/2019 c1 80tmtcltb-kals
This was wonderful! I was sad that Tuvix remained, even though I could see it was the right decision and this chapter gave words to that emotion perfectly. Tuvix is clearly still pulled in two directions, despite knowing that he made the correct choice. T'Pel was such a mother here, and it's lovely seeing that side of her in connection with Tuvix who really didn't have a mother figure (as Kes was in the picture for so little time). I also love that Tuvix and Asil will become penpals! What a nice addition to the story.
4/4/2019 c1 72Beth6787
And a brilliant concept it is too. It’s heartwarming to picture Tuvix being in regular contact with all three of his extended ‘families’ and to know that Tuvok made it home in time to eradicate all his accumulated brain damage.

This epilogue was definitely the ‘icing on the cake’. Thank you.

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