Just In
for The Ultimate Assistant

8/29/2019 c7 Guest
Just started reading this yesterday and I am loving it a lot, keep up the good work!
8/28/2019 c7 3Jpach07
Ok ... I don't know how I missed the update of the other chapter, but ... Here I come to give my corresponding reviews. :3

Well, we started a new arc, and Kyoko has already given a warning, she doesn't like the trust of those 2 (Well, when did you like it? XD), let's see what develops in these situations. :3
8/28/2019 c6 Jpach07
And seeing the side of Makoto, obviously traumatized by the attack on his person, but after several days, locked in the game of the damned bear ... Ironic, whoever tried to harm you, is the one you trust most at that time. :_D
8/28/2019 c7 ReDestrobo
I hope Hina is ok...
8/28/2019 c7 doomqwer
this was fun and i enjoy sayaka growing as a character keep it up
8/22/2019 c6 1SSJYT
This is a pretty good AU! The vast majority of the cast are all written in character (although Byakuya I felt like should've been smarter and should not have fallen into Sakura's trap so easily, him being wrong about a trial is something that should happen later), and even though I was a bit skeptical of Makoto abandoning Sayaka immediately after he got stabbed, this chapter showed me that his feelings regarding her and his lack of trust (and eventual regain of it) was completely understandable. I really liked this trial where Sakura kills Mukuro, something not many people have choose to do before, I liked how you kept her in character where she never wanted to kill anyone and the only reason she couldn't confess her crimes and alter the crime scene was because of Junko. Sakura getting suspicious of who "Junko's" fighting abilities and questioning her identity only to be stopped by Monokuma was great too, hopefully we see Kyoko using those words to further her investigation. Only thing I felt like it was missing was the investigation scene as it was pretty short, and Sakura not really apologizing or giving comfort to Aoi when she was going to be executed, and also telling the other students to not kill each other so they won't let the mastermind live.
Overall I'm loving this so far and can't wait for the second chapter to be written.
8/18/2019 c6 43BakaOniisan
Wow, already sleeping together? Damn Naegi
8/18/2019 c6 Anon
Happy Birthday! You have no idea how happy I am to see this fic continue.
8/18/2019 c6 liculle
Welcome back and happy birthday! :D
I was getting worried about whether or not the story would continue (~)
Not much to say about this chapter but I think getting to see things in Naegi's POV is interesting. I also got to see some Junko moments so that's a plus. UwU
It's good that you're finally back. I also like that other fic of yours, I've seen similar fics but only a few and they don't have high word count either. I like how you go about it more though ;)
Keep up the good work!
8/18/2019 c6 doomqwer
poor mukuro the interactions between her naegi and kyoko was nice i wish we could have kept her around but i do look forward to how you slowly close the gap between sayaka and makoto and what other game changes you will make to how the game goes forward
6/14/2019 c5 basemynick
thank you for finally making me interested in a depiction of saiyaka
5/20/2019 c5 3Jpach07
Ufff ... guilty caught, and Monokuma preventing discovering interesting things to the group, and above takes execution in the face ... which has been very well done, 8/10. :3
And it seems that between Sayaka and Naegi there is peace at last ... This is the beginning, of a beautiful relationship ... Between protagonist and assistant (choose which is which, xDD), now we only have to wait for the next chapter of the next arc ... I wait heartily. :3
5/20/2019 c5 doomqwer
Little confused on kyoko calling naegi with the kun suffix as she does not warm up to him like that for quite awhile into that game and also good to see some of unused executions
5/20/2019 c5 43BakaOniisan
I fucking knew it was Sakura.
She and Mukuro were both moles, I thought that Monokuma forced them to kill each other but seems like he did something to our soldier beforehand.

Can’t wait for more
5/20/2019 c5 76TheTrueOverlordBear
Thinking about it some more, Sakura is probably the hardest one to wring despair out of by means of killing her because of the sort of talent she grew up with. I guess what they say about martial arts really is something to think about, then. That, and I can more clearly see how Sakura's death in canon feels more, well, despair-inducing now.

Anyway, nice to see Sayaka and Makoto doing better now! Though I'm looking forward to the next pushes to flesh her out, alright! And it's quite interesting to think about how such a shining star like her would work as an assistant in this scenario where she keeps on living, hahaha~
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