Just In
for Beyond a kiss (Yullen)

1/8/2020 c3 4marmag1
Euuu, I'm confused?
4/25/2019 c2 marmag1
But this girl don't exist. Or maybe yes?
4/25/2019 c2 5Nella Moonblood Royalle
interestingggg i never would have guessed you took the assassin route *wink
im really intrigued with the whole idea so far... well as much as i could understand as of now heehehe
still plenty of room for improvements, take your time in researching other writing styles and formats etc2, you can do it author-san! ganbatte nee!
4/21/2019 c1 Nella Moonblood Royalle
uwahhh i see a great potential for this to be a fun story with an interesting plot
maybe it'll help u more if you have a beta?
until then, i cant wait to read more of this
ganbatte nee author-san! be strong!

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