Just In
for Not The CONFESSION You’d Expect

6/27/2019 c10 MIKE202303
6/27/2019 c3 MIKE202303
6/20/2019 c9 52Jss2141
This is going to be good. Doesn't matter if they have a dorm system, Iuku can just teleport or glitch to the bar whenever he pleases.
6/19/2019 c9 38tiguylerobot
to be honest, it's fun to not seen a usj fight for seeing something else is good once in a while
6/7/2019 c7 2SolSunFanfics
Oooohhh! I am so excited!
5/21/2019 c5 2Whitetiger789
If Bakugo isn't banned from U.A fir attacking Izuku during the exam then Nezu is a dumbass
If people thought this was serious the fact this line is there should change that, "Once finished, Izuku tweeted the now ex-hero into a dumpster"... like for real if someone thinks this is serious after that they have a screw loose somewhere.
A cannon shipper? So you explode ships? Or a canon shipper(Which is 100% IzukuxOchako)?
Why did no hero show up? Multiple reasons most likely. Busy with other hero work, the fact that there was probably only a couple minutes before you jumped, your quirkless and the major heroes who could've shown up in time probably thought it was beneath them to save you. I could go on but that'd be a waste of time. But I could.
5/7/2019 c3 black wolf
Ok first izuku is so adorable in this chapter when it comes to toga and is inko x kurogiri going to be a thing that be interesting and a first everyone go's for all might or aizawa I'd like to see how that would happen
5/7/2019 c3 38tiguylerobot
i wonder... how a mama midoriya and a dad kurogiri look like...
4/30/2019 c2 MIKE202303
Nice look forward to more
4/30/2019 c2 iron-slayer-dragon
Can't wait for more chapters
4/28/2019 c1 Deku321
Tomura being all happy is a big yikes from me
4/27/2019 c1 Meeper02
I like it so far, but I feel you made Tomura too ‘happy go lucky’. What I mean is, you made him too enthusiastic.
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