Just In
for Harry Potter and the power of wives and family

11/24 c1 Zanthrax0998
Sorry , i cant, its too disjointed , the writing doesnt flow well, its like reading a bad thesis
11/18 c58 Jameslw
great story please continue
11/14 c1 Guest
11/8 c58 chinnukcp
hi its a humble request to pls continue this story ASAP please and I like this story too much
11/6 c58 Edge Maverick
hola bienvenido de nuevo pensé que lo habías dejado un capitulo muy informativo y entretenido de leer como siempre pero me gustaria saber por que Astoria describe así el libro esperare impaciente el próximo capitulo y en tus otras historias
10/30 c2 2A10riddick
Great chapter!

Can't wait for find out more about this marriage contract!

Who else is in the pairings for Harry?
10/29 c1 A10riddick
Great start!
10/29 c58 3Hudy Leak613
Please write the next chapter already. Thank you very much. I really appreciated it and liked it a lot.
10/28 c58 310tailsJinchurikiNaruto
amazing chapters as always can't wait for the next chapters!
10/28 c1 Ommadawn
An interesting premise and I'll try a few more chapters to see if it improves.

There are some pretty awful errors though, which make it really hard to read. The constant switching between present and past tense is a biggy for me, sorry. You also don't have to keep using the person's name every time, especially if they are the only one in the scene, or there are just a few people there. It flows better that way and is less jarring to read.

Even so, I do like the idea and will give it a go.
9/25 c55 Colin Gascoyne
I really am enjoying this story you have not releast any more chapters since 2023 I am 75 years of age and would really like to finish this story.
9/15 c1 StyxUA
Unreadable trash. Couldn’t even get past locket scene.
9/12 c38 Colin Gascoyne
“Please”when will you finish this story.
9/1 c24 Colin Gascoyne
This is a really good story why have you not updated it since 2023.
8/11 c34 BandidoThreat
lol almost everyone knows by now that harry has killed people close and personal but he gets all whiney after admitting he failed to use the crucio against someone that at the time had killed Sirius, it really takes one out of the plot tbh same as the wives practically snogging harry at the drop of a hat in front of family , other In-laws other random people , heads of state like Ragnok, i guess the author may have a little exhibitionist complex haha
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