Just In
for A Gift

12/7/2019 c1 MenialFiend
thank you so much, I love their relationship / interaction and I feel so blessed by this fic.
5/10/2019 c1 Lifeseverchanging
You’re an amazing writer. Brilliant. What a great story. I did skip the sex... (for once) only a non-Romy pairing could let me do that. Great work!
5/10/2019 c1 21CodeAliasWave
You know I’m Romy 100%, but this was really good! Can’t wait to see what you cook up next!
5/7/2019 c1 Guest
Good! Keep going. :D
5/8/2019 c1 41Ludi
This is great, for a first fic. In fact, you really could've fooled me that this was your first! I have read many fics over the years, and this is definitely among the strongest ones I've read. You have a natural style and really good handle and control of words. Not too many, and not too few. You paint a picture, both physical and emotional, that is believable and compelling.

Krogue is not my ship in the least, and I was kind of expecting to be icked out when I read this; but, to my surprise, I actually wasn't. There was something deeper going on here than just sex - and while I don't see these two coming together, ever, you sold it on some level. There was a tenderness there, not just mindless boinking. And what I liked about it was that the sex actually showed their vulnerability - especially Rogue's. I have to say that I have rarely thought deeply about Kurt's character, as he is far from my favourite. But you really made me think about him here, look at him in a way I've never considered before... He had real depth, and a rich emotional landscape. You managed to make him interesting to me. And that's no mean feat. ;)

Of course, I loved that Remy tease at the end - that we get to hear what young Rogue's ideal man would be. Little does she know that, while she'll meet a man who is proud to walk the walk as well as talk the talk, inside he'll bear as much shame as she does. I think that what Rogue wants is to have someone who is emotionally stronger than her - someone who can afford to carry her own shame, because he is so confident in who and what he is. And while Remy will APPEAR to be that way, the truth will be very different. Cue all the drama they'll face in their shared future. So I loved your tease, and I thought it was very smart. The fact that I'm writing all this is testament to that fact. ;)

So, in conclusion - you should definitely continue writing. You may be a bit daunted by 'connective tissue' at the moment, but I think that will come with practice. Keep writing - and I'll definitely keep reading!

Much love,

-Ludi x

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