Just In
for Wolves That Walk Alone

2/10 c44 Guest
Gracias por el capitulo.
2/10 c45 1VodMesa
Wonderful as usual sir
2/10 c45 5PoofyOhio
New update? Let's go.
2/9 c5 UnknownEntity92
Wow you cant keep your own timeline straight lol. First you say its been 2 years since he arrived on this planet. Then you say its been 2 and a half since hes been in vale. AND then you say its been 3 years since hes been in vale. Like bruh get your shit straight. Did you not proof read your own chapters?
2/9 c45 Guest
Good to see you back mate! And please, by all means, take your sweet time and don’t burn yourself out. Some of us can wait for as long as we have too.
2/9 c45 DarthDarthTheSecond
Its great to have you back old sport. I hope your life is going well. Compared to some of the greatest chapters of the fanfic this may be lower quality but overall you aren't too rusty.
2/8 c45 Bona Fides
I just noticed… that with all the 'lore fusions' being done in this crossover, it feels like you’re recreating your very own "Nasuverse" Franchise in all but name, you know?

Like… I’m too lazy to list them all out but I think it’s got the makings of Sci-Fi/Urban Fantasy, complete with the 'Fantasy Kitchen Sink' Trope in play (sort of helps that the beginnings of "RWBY" was based on Grimms' Fairy Tales before they expanded further into legends and mythologies with more characters they introduced).

SPARTAN-B312’s/Noble Six’s presence and 'reintroduction' of the Reclaimers (and the Forerunners by proxy) was merely the 'missing link' that Remnant was lacking all along…

Unintentional or otherwise… it’s some Pretty Wild Stuff to think about!
2/8 c44 Nine Sols
To 'DOOMRAIDER' (Feb 8, 2025): I’d be careful when taking examples from 'Grimdark' Fantasy, 'Gratuitously' Revenge-Driven Mangas such as "The Hero Who Seeks Revenge Shall Exterminate With Darkness" — the dangerous 'Too Bleak, Stopped Caring' trope is something to watch out for when writing stories, in my opinion… besides, at what point do we consider the violence justified? At what point is it considered disproportionately excessive? At what point do we stop, if ever?

["It’s hard to care for anyone here, as Raul, while being very much justified in his hatred of the villains, takes his revenge (and his sadistic enjoyment thereof) to disturbing extremes and gleefully uses people who were innocent of wrongdoing to accomplish his goals in ways that cause them pain and anguish and turns them into murderers; pretty much all non-Mook antagonists are so irredeemably vile that claiming any of them is a 'Complete Monster' is a moot point as all of them could qualify; and the whole setting is a relentless 'Crapsack World' from the pits of Hell to the vaults of Heaven as The Gods Are Jerks AT BEST."]

In my humble opinion, I think the likes of "Golgo 13" would be a more 'professional' example to look up to… and For God’s Sake, man, would you kindly space your paragraphs better? I could barely read a sentence or two out of those Giant Walls Of Text.
Welcome back, once again, 'TheManThatWalksTheAbyss115'…

'TheManThatWalksTheAbyss115': "I humbly apologize for not updating this, everyone. […] I just want to say that I'm grateful for everyone sticking with this story, throughout its ups and downs; even the ones in the future, but you guys rock for giving it a read. I probably wouldn't have gotten this far without some of you and I want to say thank you, from the bottom of my heart."
[Thank YOU for sticking around and continuing to write it — I know it hasn’t been easy but I appreciate you 'opening dialogue' with us whenever you can. I’m honestly surprised that this crossover’s still going… not that I’m complaining, of course.]

'TheManThatWalksTheAbyss115': "There's... a couple reasons why I don't really update this and I'll start with the biggest one. 1. I really didn't expect to get this far to be honest. At first, it was something I did for fun, then one thing led to another, and then another. At this point, I still don't know where I'll go but I'm sure I'll figure it out eventually."
[We’ll be here whenever you might need a helping hand. And given the overall state of "RWBY" by the time of this review, I think the whole fan-fiction population might need all the help they can get…]

'TheManThatWalksTheAbyss115': "2. Life just got in the way. Before, I was in school and everything and didn't have to worry about too much but I grew up. We all did and I just realized that there was more to life than this site, so I made this choice to focus on life first."
[Perfectly understandable — in fact, I’m happy (for you) that you’ve made the 'right choice' for your well-being.]

'TheManThatWalksTheAbyss115': "3. I just got sick of some of the drama and indulging in it. There's some things I could've done differently and acted more mature about, but the past is the past and I can't change that. Hell, I'll probably still get upset about some things and the way people view the story but ultimately, it's mine and they can't change it."
[Oof… I think the less we talk about those moments, the better — no reason to bring up bad memories again.]

~Kana Yoshizawa/Shiranui Mizuki
2/8 c45 Guest
And Hazel's gone. I wonder if Arthur Watts will have smartened up enough to abandon Salem by then. The guy seems too smart to fight for a lost cause. Although, the fact that he joined the Queen of Grimm in the first place over a minor grudge makes his intelligence highly questionable. In any case, thanks for coming back to this story after a long hiatus.
i hunger for more
2/8 c44 Fenrir Wylde Razgriz
DUDE!, it's so good to have ye back again!, and we understand what ye mean! ... and i'm not really good with words so i'll just quote what big boss said to snake, (live your life) soo yeah welcome back!
It’s no problem TheManThatWalksTheAbyss115. Things happen in life and taking a break before you burn yourself out is a good idea. In fact I am confident I can speak for many people here when I say that we would rather you take this slow and make a good story then rush and make a mediocre story. Also this is just a suggestion but if you ever make a new story and use the past knowledge you got from the other stories along with having someone from a ruthless bloody universe (Warhammer) that is actually competent placed on Remnant that is full of clearly incompetent people then the YouTube and fanfic story author AFanWithTooMuchTime could be helpful with the story being Warhammer vs Star Wars (the youtube version is longer then the one on fanfiction). Both of you guys actually do a good job in showing the cost of not adapting when the situation calls for it especially when looming disaster is on the horizon the Yuuzhan Vong for Star Wars and the Grimm big push from Salem and in both instances each universe suffered terribly.

Let’s be honest here the people of Remnant are not imaginative and this can be traced back to Ozpin and Salem. Similar to what happened to the imaginative, progressive and intelligent people in Attack on Titan and how they got targeted in the walls by the King for being killed or discredited or forced to join his faction precisely because they could have led people to progress more and eventually escape their confinement in the walls this was something that could not be allowed and the same goes with Ozpin and Salem. Six is right to call them parasites because they have hindered mankind long enough. And they have no true excuse for their actions in hindering mankind from progressing or pursuing other fields like the Emperor did in Warhammer since the fields he wanted to be left alone should have been left alone like AI (the terrible revolt by those machines along with being corrupted by Chaos proves that) or deeper understanding of the Warp (falling for the temptations of Chaos like many have before), though he did make a mistake on not telling everyone about the Warp especially his sons. I believe I can confidently speak for a majority of people when I say we don’t want Salem killed but destroyed. I don't mean lobotomy or memory wipe or confining her. What is needed is to do something similar to what Raul Evans did to Cristiana Alcott in The Hero Who Seeks Revenge Shall Exterminate with Darkness manga. Raul wanted to have his revenge on those who wronged him and his friends and in regards to the revenge of Cristiana he knew that killing her would not fulfill getting his revenge on her since she was similar to Tyrian who also was not afraid of death but instead losing his purpose which Six took from him leaving the man a pathetic shell Cristiana was not afraid of death and would gladly die to achieve her goal. So when that nutcase was burned at the stake and dying happy for what she proclaim was salvation he died and went to Hell to inflict not pain but agony and terror towards Cristiana and ultimately destroy Cristiana the saint rendering her just Cristiana the regular shameless woman. Take away what a villain wants most and what is their core belief then make them a mockery of who they once were is what will destroy them. Question is how to do this to Salem and one such idea I had that could happen with the Monitor’s help is putting Salem into a video simulation of what she truly fears which I think is that her whole new dark identity of the Grimm Queen is and always was nothing and she was nothing but a pawn in a amusing game the two brothers have played on not just Remnant but so many other worlds. I have seen stories where things got so dark for the victims that madness was the escape of it all and similar to the song Joker made in the Killing Joke about going loony to be happy from all the pain of life is actually something that could work. Funny enough the computer simulation idea to destroy but not kill Salem actually came from the Batman the brave and the bold episode Emperor Joker where Batman turned the tables on Joker by using his mind to show Joker as what he would be as average along with Batman Arkham Knight when Batman again used his mind to make Joker terrified of being forgotten which was the only thing he truly feared. Another idea is to do what was similar in Warhammer Eisenhorn The Magos there was a drug called the Torment that truly embodied "The truth will set you free." (John 8:32) While the truth can set someone free the problem is how painful it can be especially for someone who prefers the chains they either knowingly or unknowingly attach to themselves. Similar to the One Ring and how it could feel good to have it the reality was that the One Ring was more like a parasite rather than something beneficial to someone. To remove something (physical or mental) that has been apart of someone for so long like a lie (in this case what Salem thinks of herself as basically the herald of despair or at least the Grimm Queen) someone tells themselves for why they act how they act can be difficult since it has been apart of them for so long similar to what. Warhammer and RWBY are universes where lies thrive because to face the truth which would require you to acknowledge what you are actually doing and how broken everything is and you trying to find a reason where none exist. Perhaps there will come a point in this story when someone probably Ironwood or Ozpin will be shown the complete truth regarding themselves and with no psychological armor and excuses to hide behind and then like Eisenhorn when he was under the influence of the Torment either break like others before him when faced with the truth or become stronger and have a greater clarity.

Solution to people like Salem is to use their strengths against them along with using true bonds and understanding which they do not have with anyone. While I do like the direct approach rather then beating around the bush I do enjoy stories that can employ mysteries and mind games where we the readers try to figure out the answer which this story and the universe it is based on is all about while still retaining the violent aspect so it’s a good blend between the two. In fact one such story involving a manga called Usogui was both a mystery mind game along with violent story which had the main character Baku Madarame repeatedly bet everything even his life but through his cunning, intelligence and his friends power win each time. This is something that Six and some of those in this story have in common with being gamblers which as pointed out in Usogui in that story people who were not gamblers could never understand them. It’s for this reason why people like them are so dangerous. In fact there was a game that involved playing poker under water with limited air that Baku Madarame did with the secondary antagonist Vincent Lalo of the manga and this under water poker is tailor made to make even the likes of Ozpin and Salem fail because for all their pride and arrogance of their intelligence to try and figure out the answer the result of knowing the answer would ironically drag those who know deeper into the abyss of failure because to think of ideas rapidly is to consume air more as opposed to doing everything you can not to think of the answer to the gamble and risk things to chance and luck to conserve air while having faith that their partner knows them well enough to know what they want to do in the poker game with no communication or try communication and risk the other side learning what is being said. Something like this would be fitting to bring down those like Ozpin and Salem who are so arrogant only to be beat at not only their own game but fail because of them not being true gamblers and when faced with losing everything and the pressure goes to the extreme their true natures would be revealed which has happened in a way with Ozpin.

Sometimes the simplest answer or there being nothing at all is the correct corse of action similar to the Sherlock series where James Moriarty did something in a mystery story which was something I never saw in any other mystery based story which was that there was no grand plan or secret but so many people assumed there was which made the reveal so shocking and the threat of there being some secret that needed to be found out just as effective as if there had been some secret. Basically what I am saying is what a mastermind can use to great effect is having people be active in their game but if no one does that and refuses to play then there is no game. Of course there is a fine line between refusing to play the game you are in and refusing to play the game the mastermind wants but this is something that is hard for intelligent people to do which is to not react to the situation they are in and only focus on the here and now. Luckily though this is something that Six can do as despite being intelligent he is not dumb like so many other people on Remnant.
2/7 c44 Guest
Gracias por el capitulo.
2/7 c45 No
Have you ever walked the 115th abyss?
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