Just In
for Wolves That Walk Alone

6/10/2023 c13 Crimson1997
Yes, Glynda... He is very dangerous... He is one of only 2 Hyper-Lethal-Vectors in the Halo-verse... Maybe if the White Fang didn't act like insurrectionists he would have let them go... But he's not a monster... Just a scarred person molded by war... And he might actually kill Salem since forerunner weapons will leave only ashes or nothing at all... So yeah she could very much die from Forerunner tech...
6/3/2023 c44 Human Bean
Also I hope you're doing well, man. This was honestly worth the read and hope that you can continue this
6/3/2023 c44 Human Bean
I get that you're defending yourself and the story you've made, which is honestly my all-time favorite so far, but don't you think you're spending a bit too much time on the trolls? Honestly those are really the types that do nothing but just enjoy someone or something misery while they sit there and watch, those are usually the type that breathes sad and pathetic attention that it's honestly best let them whine on while you still maintain that top-rated HaloxRWBY spot.
6/5/2023 c44 YaL0okingForSoMething
Really anonym say the one with guest log in the comments who’s a pussy for sure. The part abyss log in guest account doesn’t make sense to me haven’t seen any of those in here
6/4/2023 c35 1CrimsonDivision
He channeled his inner Doomslayer
6/3/2023 c21 CrimsonDivision
Six went from Mandalorian to Kratos
6/2/2023 c44 1hellothere45
personally I always figured the story would end in Atlas, Six prevents the fall of atlas and yeets Salem into space, and ospins soul recarnates into Six's body, six getting a extremely op semblance realty warping (creates or replicates memories or ideas and merging it around the real world) and Him and Saliem duke it out in Atlas, Six either uses the star ship to return home or the UNSC tracking Six's distress signal, over all I feel like the story has sort of a Dark AU, mabey seeing a Six redemtion arc where he uses the forerunner tech to create yang a new arm or reconcile broken relation ships like with summer. Honestly You pulled the story off prity well with the plot but I felt like there were to much unessary items and at times it felt like the plot just stopped completely. but this is just my ideas I. Kodus to you for taking this story all this way. i tried to write a Halo x Mass effect cross over but abandoned in in 3 chapters, I lost confidence in my self to pull through, you made it this far don't give up.
5/31/2023 c44 GrokmoreDakka
love this story and the level of violence hope you continue
5/29/2023 c2 4TheManThatWalksTheAbyss115
To Anonym: First, I don't use guest accounts to threaten people or lash out. If I have a problem with someone, I log in and confront them just as I am doing now. I don't have a problem with criticism, I have a problem with unnecessary flaming and hate, but I guess people take it as criticism. Second, I consider dropping the story because I haven't done anything with it in a while. Lastly, you call me a pussy for apparently going under guest accounts, which I do no such thing, because of the fans of this story are extremely supportive and sometimes fanatical. Yet, you're hiding behind an anonymous account and calling me a pussy. If you consider this as me lashing out then go right ahead. I don't consider it as such but merely as me responding in a civil manner.
5/25/2023 c1 Anonym
Terrible story, it turns six into a murder hobo that is never in the wrong, even for killing innocents.
This ain't a video game where you can kill hordes of people and not have others be wary of you.

What's worse is the author constantly going off about "malicious" reviews.
Threatening people in reviews under guest accounts and promising to drop the story.
Imagine being such a pussy that you can't handle a little criticism.

Deep in your little heart you know I'm right. Good day.
5/9/2023 c38 Dib
I know you probably won't read this but. YOU are doing a wonderful job, you are making this story your own and not just copy and paste, is it a little dark sometimes yes, but the thing is you are doing it as world building.
Now don't mind the haters they don't know a good story when it hits them. Now that isn't to say they can't have there own opinions but they don't need to threaten you because they don't like the way you are going with the story.
5/6/2023 c44 nathanfromschool
either way bro, you're a real one. have a few reservations, but either way its still a great story
5/5/2023 c30 nathanfromschool
Bruh fuck u. I'm tired of seeing losers like u making up stupid stories with the ACCUALLY HERO OF A FUCKING ENTIRE VIDEO GAME. look like a invincible god who can DO ANYTHING that kills with no thought. cuz ur basing this of of ur fever dream so stfu. u like mixing DOOM ETERERNAL with 2 universes that don't deserve this harassment by people like u. so go fuck urself and MAYBE READ THE LORE OF HALO JACKASS
5/1/2023 c44 D3Diton
I hope you do come back, I thoroughly enjoyed this, it's not like most of the FF CO on this site where jaune is some chad or the Protag teams up with Ozpin. I love this spin here
4/28/2023 c44 Guest
I know you may not be looking at this story soon, but Overall, Six that black Wolf reminds me of Artorias and Sif from Dark Souls
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